Ed, I hear you and understand that you are frustrated. I, too, am not noted for diplomacy, which has gotten me into all kinds of hot water here several times because tact, diplomacy, and being nice to each other are literally requirements here.
First, I recommend that you immediately edit your question and remove the name of a WikiTree member that you have there. The only time we are permitted to identify a member in this forum is to express appreciation for something wonderful they did.
Next, apparently a member - possibly a profile manager of one of the duplicates you found - does not agree that they are duplicates, which is not appropriate to describe by saying you were "blown off for a nonsensical reason". We collaborate here, which means that we have respectful communications with other members, either by private messages, comments on profiles, or posts here in G2G. These communications allow us to fully discuss any differences of opinion we have and, sometimes by further research, finding a source to support them, to eventually reach a consensus of the valid circumstance.