Citing familysearch records

+9 votes

For a few years now, when I cite records found on FamilySearch (my preferred source for records that elsewhere cost $$), I have been using something like:

<ref>[ 1682 Baptism Record], "France, Naissance et baptêmes, 1546-1896", database, FamilySearch (12 September 2019), Anthoinette Girault, 1682.</ref>

The citation is copied and edited to show the link to the record first, with an appropriate label, making it fairly intuitive when going through the reference list.

I missed the FamilySearch Record Template until now, and understand the recommended way is to

"France, Naissance et baptêmes, 1546-1896", database, FamilySearch, {{FamilySearch Record | X1DM-B9Q }} 12 September 2019), Anthoinette Girault, 1682.

I have created more than 500 (guess) using the first format, and find the labelled hyperlink extremely helpful when reviewing bio's.

I use a similar format for most all reference links I create, and am hesitant to change to the recently (a year ago ?) recommended format.

I understand the value of the template, (especially if FamilySearch changes the link structure, and will start using it, if it is required.

My ideal template would be something like:

{{FamilySearch Record | "YYYY Event Label" | X1DM-B9Q }}


1. Is the Template a requirement ?

2. Can it be altered to include an event label?

3. Can I continue using the 1st citation formation?

(I am starting to include other templates in my edits. But it is still a 'new step' for me.)

P.S. It may need another thread, but..

When I find an alternate free source (e.g.France Archives for example to augment the FamilySearch citation), increasingly there is a 'PermaLink". Does this open up a possible new template, something like

{{PermaLink | "YYYY Event Label" | Hyperlink}}, that ideally for me would display as

YYYY Event Label, the rest of the citation manually added

in Policy and Style by Peter Geary G2G6 Mach 5 (56.9k points)
edited by Peter Geary
wasn't aware FS had a template created for them, the templates need additional data always in my view, there's a template for PRDH as its old URLs all needed changing (many still do) and Ales created the template so any future changes can be handled in one move.  But all of them go by numbers ''act / family / individual''.. one has to enter who/what separately otherwise it's highly uninformative.
I also like to have a hyperlink as the first thing in the reference. The user can click that and see the important stuff straight away.

3 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer
My opinion on your question of "Is the Template a requirement?" is: Absolutely not. I believe Wikitree allows for a variety of source/citation styles, and correctly so, in order to not discourage people from adding sources.


"The ideal citation format on WikiTree is Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS), generally following Elizabeth Shown Mills' Evidence Explained. But don't get hung up on this. The important thing is citing the source, not how it's done.

Fundamentally, a good source citation enables others to:

1. judge the accuracy of the information found on the profile, and

2. independently verify the information by finding the source themselves."

In other words, as long as you provide enough info to make clear what your source is, and allow other people to theoretically locate it themselves to verify or challenge your conclusions, you're doing well.
by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
selected by Susan Smith
Thanks. You have answered my primary question. "Is the Template a requirement?"

Apparently, template use is more of a 'Guideline than a rule'.

I'll stick to the way I'm doing it.
+12 votes
Wikitree Sourcer will automatically generate an inline citation for you which contains the FamilySearch link that you include in your ref, and some extra info, I normally use it with the option to also generate a narrative.

 Available on Chromestore.
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Pilot (152k points)

Sourcer options can include a Record Type but there are also Projects that do not want the Record Type used in a citation because it is not part of the Chicago Manual of Style (COMS) or Evidence Explained (EE) format, which is the ideal citation for wikitree, as mentioned om the Sources page.

None of the templates on wikitree are 'required'. 

Rob Parvey included an EE based citation option some time ago in Sourcer.

 The citation styles available all comply with Wikitree source criteria.

 Chicago style and EE are very American, and appear to be aimed at 1st year student level, other more compact styles are used in some Commonwealth Universities.
Yes, I know he did, mainly because of some projects requesting it, since that is what the Sourcing Pages recommend.
+3 votes
Additionally, while a template is useful, it's hard not to just copy and paste the citation that FamilySearch provides themselves, because it's usually that easy. Yeah, I know, what about if FS changes their link format? etc. Unlikely for a while because of their own citation format. The down side is that for some FS records they have a malformed citation format that doesn't provide the full URL, so some massaging is required.

But in the end, it's up to you how you want to do it, as other responses have said.
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (555k points)
Thanks for your comments. I asked because I create a lot of citations (easily more than 1,000). Many are to Family Search Records and was hoping there was '1 standard' format I could comply with. The format I use now has evolved somewhat to make it easier to read without losing any of the source's recommended format citation.

We have all experienced the 'Broken Links' that serve as a predictor that one day we will have to update Family Search Links, and we all know it is much easier to 'fix' consistent formats.

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