Is there a way to view connections to Notables in general?

+4 votes
I'm sure this isn't the first time this has been asked, but I keep trying and failing to find a way to see connections (especially through a shared ancestor) to all people tagged "Notable."  As far as I can tell, the best I can do is to click through various categories that have been included in Featured Connections one at a time.

I'd kinda like to find a single go-to page to browse my notable cousins in general, if it's possible.
in WikiTree Help by Daniel M. Culp G2G5 (5.2k points)
Is there a template to use to display our Notable relatives, such as  plus many others?

Is it best to place it on a Free Space Page and link to our profile?

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer

Hi Dan. If you go to

Category: Notables

and click the  MY CONNECTIONS  button at the top right, you should get at least some of what you want.

It may not include connections in subcategories, but you can do the same trick with a particular subcategory of interest.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
selected by Tommy Buch

Jim: Is there a template to use to display our Notable relatives, such as  plus many others?

Is it best to place it on a Free Space Page and link to our profile?

Hi Alice. If you are a direct descendant, you can use the Descendant sticker on your own profile. See


For example, you could place this text on your profile:

{{Descendant|id=[[Roosevelt-18|Theodore Roosevelt]]}}

It contains two "pipe characters" | .

Jim thank you very much. I appreciate the added information for a direct descendant. In this case I would be adding it to my husband Tom who is the descendant. Does it need to be within a certain degree? In this case it is like a 12th C 4 Removed. Also can it be added to the others from Theodore Roosevelt to my Tom? in the direct line?
Sorry, Alice, but the Descendant sticker is only for descendants: a direct line from parent to child to child to child... A cousin is not a descendant.

I'm not aware of a sticker to recognise more distant connections.
Thank you Jim. Actually I was informed by someone on the US Presidents that the following is acceptable:

{{US President Relative}}  You do not have to state anything further.

Again thank you for your help.

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