So a variety of things can happen with Irish sources like Burke’s
1) The Dowdall collection has Rev John Gibson marrying his mother, Eliizabeth Raymond Gibson rather than his wife Charity Graham.
2) often we find missed generations which are worth pursuing as your tree will grow with the corrections.
3) the worst disaster is our own Hunt line.
Our family submitted the name of my 5th ggm, wife of Dr Henry Hunt correctly as Elizabeth Kiernan but the herald submitted the name of Grace Forsyth. In fact to my shock, when I reversed the contrast of the pedigree document, I noted that the herald had actually erased the name.
To pick up any of over 1000 pages of documentation, would have proved our case.
The publication went out with all the male lines intact but there were slashes on some of the male lines connections,
None of those breaks could be substantiated by any documents and with 6 samples at Big Y proved that every slash was incorrect.
Was this complete incompetence or sabotage, we are not sure?
There was a massively controversial will on the family seat, considerable negative press and even a bizarre court case by which it left the male line
So maybe the latter