I wanted to share this family photo of with the community. Location: Watkins Fishing Camp, AKA MT Watkins General Store, circa 1940s or 1950s Lyon County Kentucky, United States. My grandparents operated a General Store in the area that would later become "Land Between the Lakes", in Lyon County Kentucky from the 1920s through when the land was seized by the TVA in the 1960s. Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (2898 x 1806).
Being in the sign business, I installed a lot of Coke and Pepsi signs on buildings like the one in this picture. But by the time I was installing them, they were lighted signs. The beverage industry was very cleaver to give the store owner a free sign that proudly displayed THEIR logo, with a small strip to display the store name, as long as the owner carried those products exclusively! Loved this photo