Occupational categorisation of a slaughterman?

+3 votes

Hello, I'm inquiring about the Australian Occupation Categories. The profile in question is for Thomas Threlfall, who worked as a slaughterman.

It's my understanding that slaughterman (or slaughterperson as a more inclusive term) is distinct from butcher, but would they count as a farmer? A subcategory of farmer, perhaps? In other words, does an appropriate category already exist, and if not, would a new subcategory be an existing category or not?


WikiTree profile: Thomas Threlfall
in Policy and Style by Zachariah Cooper G2G6 (6.2k points)
As a master status or primary occupation, I would think that is a very small number of people and may not warrant a category. A very unique and limited position as one slaughterman could keep hundreds, if not thousands of butchers busy in a day's worth of work. Maybe subcat of meat packing ind. or stockyard employees.
Having visited an abattoir (killed mostly cattle, but also sheep), and a bacon factory (killed only pigs), on a regular basis as a child, and seeing just how many men (there were no women employees back then) worked at the killing, I would not say it was a small number at all.
Many a butcher shop was staffed by one man, or maybe two or three if it was a larger establishment, so the number of slaughtermen was greater than the number of butchers.
Of course, these numbers would have changed over time, but back in the 1960s and earlier, there would have been sufficient numbers to definitely warrant a category.

1 Answer

+4 votes

Slaughterman: a person employed to kill animals in a slaughterhouse Dictionary.com  so definitely not a farmer nor sub-category for such.  Might be a subcategory of butcher, more specific in work place location etc , since butchers are also often shopkeepers, which would not be true for these.

by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (763k points)
As the slaughterman supplies the butcher, it would make more sense for the butcher to be the subcategory.  At least to my twisted thinking.
lol, not all butchers buy from slaughterhouses, might simply be better as a separate category under occupations.

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