We need some navigation tweeking [closed]

+4 votes
I just spend unnecessary time searching for the formatting of how to list children in a list rather than one after another in a line which is what came out even though I typed in a list, carriage return (enter) after each name.  I can't possibly remember all the formatting punctuation, etc. in WikiTree.  Under the Find menu, it would be nice to have Page or Profile Formatting as a heading and several pages with various types of formatting: punctuation that becomes something else, heading formats, sticker formats, line breaks, bold, indents, etc., etc. Navigation is much better than it was years ago when I left (I returned last year) but there are still little spots where it's terrible.  Somebody should be monitoring projects that create formats of various things so they can be indexed and put into some kind of system so we can find them.  Thank you.
closed with the note: Got the answers I needed
in WikiTree Help by Lorraine O'Dell G2G6 Mach 6 (64.6k points)
closed by Lorraine O'Dell

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Is this what your'e looking for ??


by Steven Beckler G2G6 Mach 3 (31.5k points)
selected by Lorraine O'Dell

Thanks for the link, Steven.

A good way to find it is to use Help Search, which is in the Help menu (not the Find menu) or at this link:


If you enter "list" in the box as the search target and click the Go button, you can then scroll down a bit, past items for Trusted Lists and Todo Lists. At present Editing Tips appears as the eighth search result for "list".

Yes, thank you, Steven.  And, I knew about that page but trying to remember where in Help or all of WikiTree it was failing today.  As a librarian, it should take me as long as it did and then have to resort to a G2G question...  Mostly I love WikiTree but sometimes....
Did that and still didn't find it.
+7 votes

Lorraine, I couldn't agree more about how finding things in Help is like a scavenger hunt, taking you from 1 place to another until you miraculously luck out and find what you're looking for.

Here's how line spacing works on the editing page:

  1. Vocabulary - the words to describe how line spacing is entered are:

    a. New Line - this ends the line you're on and starts the next thing you enter on the next line, normally done by pressing the ENTER key

    b. Blank Line - this ends the line you're on and adds another new line to insert a blank line, normally done by pressing the ENTER key twice
  2. New lines look different on the edit page from the way they look on the view page.

    a. New line on the edit page looks the way you would expect it to - after you press ENTER, the next text is at the start of the next line, but the ENTER key is ignored on the view page and all the text just runs together, as you have observed.

    b. There are a few different ways to get a new line to show on the view page.
         1. you can put the break tag (<br />) at the end of the text before
             pressing the ENTER key
         2. you can put a colon (:) as the first character after pressing
             the ENTER key (note that this will cause the new line to be indented)
         3.  you can put a pound sign (#) as the first character after pressing
              the ENTER key to indent and number the text on the new line
         4. you can put an asterisk (*) as the first character after pressing
              the ENTER key to indent and put a bullet in front of the text
              on the new line
  3. Blank lines, thankfully, work the way you would expect.  Pressing the ENTER key twice looks the same on the view page as it does on the edit page.

(edited to properly get the desired indents on this list!)

by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Gaile Connolly
Thank you.  I will copy and paste that in my own growing WikiTree Help pages.

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