I went down the rabbit hole and Albert turned up in my family tree. He’s the author of The History of Milton. https://archive.org/details/historyofmiltonm00teel/page/n11/mode/2up There’s not a lot about him on Family search, however there is a picture of him on find a grave.
If anyone has any other info on him please feel free to edit his profile. I figured since he wrote a book that a lot of people use he deserved a bio better than I can write.
His obituary in the Proceedings of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (1901) reports, at page 88, that he was the son of Benjamin Teele (and a grandson of another Benjamin Teele) and the wife of Miriam Savels. a daughter of Col. Isaac Royal of Charleston.
Albert has a familysearch.org profile consistent with that information, with ancestry and sources: