New member introducing myself

+9 votes
Been using Wikitree for awhile, but more since about the beginning of the year (2023).

I see myself more as a researcher, reference sharer, and am focused on building some trees offline.

Discovered a gateway ancestor (Audrey Barlow Stafford) after committing the cliche'd mistake of overly focusing on male lines. I really appreciate the work that (not limited to, but certainly the one I have been most focused on), the Magna Carta group, as well as the Great Migration group, as they have steered me to some pretty great references.

I also might have some information around Nathaniel Thurber (as well as his children) who will eventually come up in the NEHGS Register - their current lead article (Winter 2023) is on a John Thurber, and Nathaniel is from his line about 4 generations down. Nathaniel served in the American War of Independence, and his pension application is available online (take that to mean that I have to find it again); add to that there is some other information that probably requires more thought than what I usually put into a messageboard post (in most places - as I tend to usually treat them as a version of a text message) -it feels like it ought to be a more properly cited post as I know of some published material, from his step daughter (who happened to be reasonably prominent artist in the 19th century in New England), and of course through Alfred King Thurber's own writings.

Come to think of it, I might have some source material on Albert King as well, but for me, anyways, it has ended up partly about how well one can tease out details of stories.

As I said, I am primarly focused on the earlier ancestry of my own gateway ancestor, so I expect to be sifting through various cadet branches of Staffords, and keeping them straight, as well as developing a larger narrative.

I imagine I will be in and out - I did go with a generic surname as for me, this isn't really intended to be overly personal, so I find that distance is useful for me to keep on task. :)

Pleased to meet you all.

WikiTree profile: Steve T
in The Tree House by Steve T G2G6 (9.5k points)

4 Answers

+7 votes
Welcome! I’m so glad you are heart and it looks like you are doing some pretty good work!
by Nikki Davis G2G6 Mach 1 (19.3k points)
+7 votes

Welcome to WikiTree Steve.
Always good to meet a new member.

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (4.6m points)
+4 votes

Welcome to WikiTree! I am Dave Draper and I am delighted to see you join our community. Here, we are passionate about building a single family tree and discovering our ancestry. I hope you find WikiTree as exciting and rewarding as I have. There is a learning curve so here is a link that might help you get started. WikiTree How To Here is How To Do IT

That being said, WikiTree has more power than most people realize.  I have been a member for almost 2 years, and for a long time I did not know the power of this community.   For instance, Nikki Davis commented to this thread.  I ran the "Connection Finder" between us and found she is my 14th cousin 3 time removed.  I went to school with a kid who may be her extended family.  So that means I could have been gong to school with my cousin! 

Next example: A co-worker asked me to help her find her family, as she had always been told she was related to Daniel Boone (American Pioneer Explorer).  Through Wikitree, I did find a Boone family she was related to, but not Daniel Boone.  What I found was ME!  My co-worker and I are cousins that share the same grand father a few generations back! That is the power of WikiTree!  

I found over 30 cousins, who I didn't even know, working on my family, all 4,600 of my family, that I have found so far!  I could not have done it without their help and the vision the creators of this site to make this "tree" a "community tree."

Stick around and you too will see and feel the power of this site!wink

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
edited by David Draper
+3 votes

 Me gustan los temas que investigas, en mi caso voy buscando a mis ancestros. 

by César Jesús García G2G Rookie (290 points)

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