Who were Oren (Aaron) Dibble's Parents?

+5 votes
Oren (Aaron) Dibble (Dibbel, Dible) shows up on the 1851 Canada census in Fredericksburgh, Ontario. According to the census's he was born in New York about 1793. He married Katreen (Catharine) Diamond who was daughter of John Diamond U.E.L.  He marries again to Mary Ann (nee Cole) Post., daughter of Isaac Cole U.E.L. Marriage records have not been found for either marriage.

His son John Dibble marries Julia Ann Keller, daughter of Frederick Keller U.E.L.

Oren does not seem to have any connection to two Dibble families, Eli Dibble from Danbury, Litchfield, Connecticut and Asa Dibble from Milford, Litchfield, Connecticut, that were in the area at the time.

Oren dies in Fredericksburgh in 1875.

I have not been able to figure out who his parents were. Can you? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
WikiTree profile: Oren Dibble
in Genealogy Help by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
edited by Lorraine Nagle

2 Answers

+2 votes

Hi Lauren,

There is a gap in your Dibble family history during the War of 1812 and you do not appear to have researched records from that event.  There is a slight possibility that those records may reveal more about the Dibble and Diamond families.  All men between the ages of 16 and 60 were required to report for militia duty by law.  The militia records therefore list who was living in each township between 1812 and 1815.

As Oren Dibble was about 19 years old in 1812, his name may appear in the militia rolls and related documents.  His father and brothers may have served as well.  If we assume that Oren was living in the area of Fredericksburgh at that time, he probably would have served in the Addington or Lennox Militias.  Even though the counties were amalgamated in 1800 they had separate militia regiments in 1812.

In June, 1812, each regiment was to form about 2 flank companies of young men who were able to serve for extended periods of time.  They received special training to engage the Americans in combat.  I did not find the Dibble surname in those records but did find:

Private Marcus Diamond, Lennox Militia, page 68

Private Jacob Diamond, Addington Militia, page 63, “died during service”

After the war both men received a militia land grant.  The average of a flanker was 25.  Do you want that information that would tell you the township or county that they were living in after the war?

There may have been an additional 8 companies in each regiment which served for brief periods of time.  I did not search those rolls as it would take hours to review hundreds of pages.  If you want to take on that task, I can send you links to the online rolls.

After the war, Upper Canadians who suffered personal losses could make a petition for reimbursement.  The Diamond and Dibble surnames were not in those records and there were only a few claims from Fredericksburgh.

My research website is online at


My War of 1812 research guides are at the bottom of the right-hand column.

Questions are welcome.  Wishing you well,

Fred Blair

by Fred Blair G2G6 Mach 1 (17.1k points)

Thank you for taking the time to do a lookup for me! smiley Wow, impressive website, I bookmarked it so I can do some exploring. So much info there!

I know that Oren's wife was b. in Ernestown in 1798 (her family originally from New York), I think that Jacob and Marcus Diamond are likely related to her somehow, but I will pass on those records. I am juggling too many rabbit holes at the moment.

Oren married Katreen bef. 1815, I assume in that area though I have no source to prove it. He may have arrived in Fredericksburgh near the end of the war. I can place him with certainty in 1817 in Fredericksburgh as his wife made her petition for land then. Oren was b. in New York and may have enlisted from there, possibly ending up in Fredericksburgh at the end of the war.  Not sure combing through "hours of records" surprise to see his name on the roll would get me any closer to who his parent's were, so I will pass on that for now thanks.

 I am just fostering Oren's profile for now, and will orphan him. I would like to add your notes to his profile for others to see what was looked at. Are you ok with that? 

 Thanks again, you have been most helpful. 



+3 votes
Hi Lauren,

Yes, please post my comment on Oren's page.  Two things caught my attention in your post.  Dibble and Blair have a common origin in the Norman name De Blar.  Second, most of my Snyder Loyalist cousins settled in Ernestown and I have a large family branch there.  I have not found any Dibble or Diamond cousins yet though.

Wishing you well,

Fred Blair
by Fred Blair G2G6 Mach 1 (17.1k points)

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