"29. Am 18. Octb. Arbtsm. Carl Wilhelm Christoph Janetzky, alt 33 J., mit Marie Sophie
Heiden, alt 32 J., Tochter des verstorb. Eigenth. Heiden in Japenzin"
#29 October 18th:
Worker Carl Wilhelm Christoph Janetzky, 33 years old,
with Marie Sophie Heiden, 32 years old, daughter of the deceased owner Heiden in Japenzin
Owner as occupation could be owner of land or owner of a company.
There is no firstname of the father. But comparing with the other entries: The firstname of the father is omitted several times.
"200. V: Carl Christoph Wilh. Janitzky, Arb. M: Marie Sophie Heiden. S: Carl Fried. Wilhelm
geb. 29 Novb., get. 21 Decb _ Tfz. 1. Arbtsfr. W. Rehfeldt. 2. Fr. Musikus Klaas. 3. Knecht Carl Janitzky."
Father: Carl Christoph Wilh. (Wilhelm) Janitzky, worker.
Mother: Marie Sophie Heiden.
Sohn: Carl Fried. (Friedrich) Wilhelm, born November 29th, baptized December 21st.
1. (Female) worker W. Rehfeldt. (Seems to be an unmarried woman.)
2. Wife of the musician Klaas (No first name.)
3. "Knecht" Carl Janitzky.
How to translate "Knecht"? Farm laborer, servant.
Be aware: It is written "Taufzeugen" = witnesses. This can be the same or different from godparents. If there is written "Gevattern" then it's clearly godparents. (Don't ask me about the difference ... :-) )