Can I upload a passenger list that I downloaded from Ancestry.

+1 vote
The original source came from US customs service, which I believe should be public domain.  However, if I copy the link from ancestry, it would only be visible to an Ancestry member, which I know is not ideal.  I entered the description for the record in US customs service, but it is not a URL, so it doesn't help you find the record. I was going to upload the .png file of the document, but then I have to say why it is not copyright, and it seems that since I downloaded it off of Ancestry, it may now be copyright by them.
WikiTree profile: Johannes Sailer
in WikiTree Help by Neil Richter G2G1 (1.4k points)

You will get a variety of answers here. I would not (long time Ancestry subscriber.) But you should review the Terms of Use at Ancestry and make your own decision. It is not a copyright issue, it is a contractual issue based on what you agreed to do and not do as an Ancestry subscriber.

2 Answers

+3 votes
I'm never sure about images, so I usually just provide the link. You can use the Wikitree sourcer extension to create a link from ancestry, which includes a "sharing link" (I added it to Johannes for you). Also, the records are available at the Ellis Island site -- it requires registration but it's free. I've found that to be useful sometimes in showing records for which ancestry doesn't have images. For the Sailer family it  is at

I also noticed that Johhannes year of death may be entered wrong. His profile says he died at age 17, but his bio indicates he emigrated and married later than that. I think I found him in FindAGrave, but  you may want to verify it is correct.
by Kathy Webster G2G6 Mach 1 (15.1k points)
Thank you for the answer.  The dates I have shown are from find-a-grave.  The show him living to around 72.  In searching for this, I did see a different date, but I think that was for his grandfather.  This habit we have of naming our kids after ourselves causes no end of confusion.  My Ancestry tree has lots of similar errors in it that I'm slowly working through. I should also note that I adopted this "orphaned" profile just today so I will be carefully checking out the details before I continue on connecting it to the short stub I had started for myself and my parents.
+1 vote

Indeed, Ancestry probably owns the copyright on the digital image and you should probably not include that on WikiTree.  I think the sharing link you've included -- which works just fine -- is the way to go.  And, as Kathy Webster posted, the Ellis Island site can be invaluable if you're lucky enough to have family that came through there.
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (516k points)

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