Unfortunately freeukgenealogy.org.uk is a simple link to freebmd.org.uk which only contains government records, which means they start 150 years too late for my needs. freecen.org.uk likewise will be much later records. freereg.org.uk only brings up the same marriage records I previously found through the Wiltshire OPC, it has no baptism or burial records online.
I don't mean to be ungrateful but this seems to be a blanket response that doesn't actually address the enquiry. I already know of the Wiltshire Historical Society (after all, I announced its existence here years ago) but would prefer not to pay for a membership unless I can be certain they actually have the records I need. Unfortunately, like most British genealogical societies they are most likely ill-equipped to deal with enquiries from places like Australia, with most expecting one to attend a local reading room in the UK. I couldn't find an enquiries email address either.
So, if anyone has actual specific first-hand knowledge of these records and where they can be found online I'm still interested. I don't even care if they're in Olde English or Latin, scanned from the original books. I can translate that.