I recommend the (Paternal Ancestry) Big Y-700 test at https://www.familytreedna.com/?cjevent=e2094dc2e46911ed80ca95c70a82b82a&cm_mmc=CJ-_-3382244-_-831997-_-Evergeen%20Discover%20More%20With%20FamilyTreeDNA&utm_source=cj&utm_content=3382244&utm_term=13710348&cjdata=MXxOfDB8WXww
WikiTree's sale ($50 off) ends tonight (Apr 26th). Ordering via the above link provides WikiTree a small commission which helps keep it free.
If the cost is too much then order the Y37 test and you can upgrade to a higher level (such as Big Y-700) when the next sale comes along. They will use your DNA in storage and you also have the option to test your mtDNA.
The other choice is https://www.yseq.net/