Dutch mini challenge: Paul van Vliet, Dutch comedien ,cabaret performer

+9 votes
On 25 april 2023 Paul van Vliet passed away at the age of 87.  To honour his career and his work as UNICEF-ambassador we would like to complete his tree as good as possible. A few members (Elsa, Michel) already did a lot of work, but if you would like to add more ancestors or connections to the main tree it would be appreciated.

He also has some german roots so help from our german friends woud be appreciated.
WikiTree profile: Paul van Vliet
in Genealogy Help by Eef van Hout G2G6 Pilot (204k points)
edited by Eef van Hout

4 Answers

+7 votes

Slordig, foto op profiel is van Roy Beusker:

Deze foto’s zijn rechtenvrij mits de naam van de fotograaf wordt genoemd bij publicatie: Roy Beusker.

De (foutieve) naam van de fotograaf zit nu verstopt in een comment bij https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Van_Vliet-1104

by Sjaak Spijkermans G2G6 Mach 2 (25.3k points)

Naam van de fotograaf gecorrigeerd. Als je iets bij source zet bij een foto, dan komt het in de comment te staan.  

Name of the photographer corrected.If you add something to the source of a photo, it will appear in the comment.

Goed opgelost!!!!
Alleen de typo in de naam is opgelost.
ik heb de naam van de fotograaf toegevoegd aan de titel van de foto

yes Prima!

+8 votes
I added Paul van Vliet's great grandparents Johannes Grimm (Grimm-2716) and Johanna Friederike Charlotte Putzger (Putzger-1). Perhaps some German Wikitreers can help find the German ancestors of Grimm-2716 (Georg Heinrich Grimm and Anne Christine Hoppe) and Putzger-1 (Johann Gottfried Putzger and Marie Catherine Stege).
by Tineke Slof G2G6 Mach 4 (41.8k points)

I added the parents of this Johannes Grimm in Germany. Sources here have some more information about his ancestors. I will invest some more time on the weekend if need be.

+6 votes

I've added his Great Grandparents Frederik Carel Unger (Unger-1651)  (abt.1812-1845) and Maria Catharina Jacomina Happel (Happel-153) (abt.1816-1880)

by Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf G2G6 Mach 7 (73.2k points)
+6 votes

I added his great-great-grandfather Johann Gottfried Putzker from Germany. His origins are somewhat unclear though and he might be a dead end for now.

But I'm quite confident to find his wife/widow. She might have remarried, since her husband died young.

by Danny Gutknecht G2G6 Pilot (111k points)

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