Can someone please translate a German baptism record?

+4 votes

Would someone be able to translate this baptism record for a daughter of David Delater in Minfeld, Pfalz in 1719? I'd love the entire record, but am particularly interested in the mother's name and the sponsors' names.

It's the third record from top left.

Familysearch Film #102458235, Image 128 of 445.


in Genealogy Help by Ann Risso G2G6 (9.7k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
The record is indexed with mistakes in FamilySearch ...

"Anno 1719" ...

"Den 26 nov." ...

"?dem die" (an dem Tag) "habe tauft, ???, ein Tochter die(?) David Delader ein hiesiger Hintersaß, V. Anna Eliesabetha, Gevattern sind Abraham Bockl" (Boekl/Bakl?) "vom Delshof(?) v. deß frau Anna Eliesabetha, welche daß Kind Anna Eliesabetham genannt haben."

It's hard to read and not totally clear ...

At the same day (26 Nov 1719) was baptized a daughter of David Delader (clear written name) a Hintersasse from here and of Anna Eliesabetha. Godparents are Abraham Bockl (Boekl/Bakl) from Delshof(?) his wife Anna Eliesabetha. They have called the child Anna Eliesabetham.

A Hintersasse is an inhabitant without yard, maybe only a hut and garden.

Hof is a yard. Delshof(?) can be a special yard.

Various possibilities for the godparents:

1) Abraham Bockl (Boekl/Bakl) was from the Delshof(?) and the 2nd Anna Eliesabetha was his wife.

2) Abraham Bockl (Boekl/Bakl), and then the 2nd Anna Eliesabetha which is the wife of the man from Delshof(?).

I would prefer the first possibility, because in the second the profession or the origin of Abraham B. is missing.

All the female names are Eliesab... with e and not Elisab... (maybe a personal liking of the writer). The ...m at the end of the child name can belong to the name or be a latin flection of the name. But all other names seem to be without flection.
by Siegfried Keim G2G6 Mach 9 (95.7k points)
selected by Ann Risso

This is just great! Thank you very much.

I'm trying to figure out whether the father David Delater is the same person as DeLattre-2 who lived in Schifferstadt and Edenkoben, and immigrated to Pennsylvania in 1741 and then Frederick, Maryland. (I had concluded that in the profile for Bouquet-148, but maybe prematurely.) Also whether the sponsor Abraham is the same person as Bouquet-148, who is mostly Bock and Bocke in the Minfeld records. His sons also immigrated to Frederick Maryland. Both of those men had wives named Elisabeth. A David Delate born in the Pays de la Leuve was one of the founders of Friedrichstal, there were a number of other people from Schifferstadt in early Friedrichstal, and there were other people from Friedrichstal in Frederick.

I was hoping maybe there was a last name for David Delater's wife, but no.

Could Delschof be Welschhof? There is a Welschof just west of Minfeld (maybe something to do with it being a community of French people?)
The Hof is not clear ... Maybe there is a D and anything. Normally it's not a W.

But I made a mistake. There are two h and a bow between. And I cannot read a c, but who knows?

Maybe Welschhof or Welschenhof. Maybe also Welschhoß. Normally an f ist different, but this writer wrote an f nearly like an ß.
Also good information. Thank you!
"Eodem die" = "Same day (as previous record)".
The "Hof" is Welschhof. The Welschhof is a farm/estate directly next to Minfeld in the west. Today Welschhof is only a street in Minfeld.
Excellent. Much appreciated.

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