Some more information would be helpful, she has no family on her profile.
Do you have any idea where she was born or died, parents names?
Results on Ancestry:
Marriage: Name, Miss Ann Keith Rovner, [Miss Ann Keith Saddlemire] Marriage, 10 Jul 1971 Uchucmarca , Peru, Residence< Abt 1971 Belleville , Wis.
1940 Census: Name, Anna Saddlemire, Birth, New York, Residence, 1940 Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, USA
Birth: Name, Ann K Saddlemire, Birth, 21 May 1939 Barton, New York, USA
Baptism: Baptism Date, 24 Sep 1939, Baptism Place, Syracuse, New York, USA, All Saints Church, Parents Carl Saddlemire and Lucille Bogart.
Death 15 Aug 2011 Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USA
Obituary on Name Ann Rovner [Ann Saddlemire] Gender Female, Newspaper Title Press and Sun-Bulletin, Father, Carl Saddlemire
I don't have a subscription, probably someone else will be able to help with that.