200,000+ G2G points - Congratulations to S Willson, and thank you from all of us!

+17 votes

S Willson has earned over 200,000 G2G points by helping countless others to solve their genealogy problems and discover their ancestry!! Wow!

On behalf of us all, the G2G Integrators extends a huge thank-you and a big pat on the back to S Willson!!

Thank you, S., also for your more than 57,000 contributions to WikiTree! In addition to her contributions S. is also a project member in four projects, Project Leader, Mediator, Arborist, Data Doctor, Sourcerer, Community Star, Family Star, Generous Genealogist  and Pre-1500 certified.

S. participates also in the WikiTree Challenge 2023.

Furthermore S Willson is a WikiTree Super Star.

Thank you so much for all you do, we really appreciate it!

WikiTree profile: S Willson
in Appreciation by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Congrats on this mile marker.  Job well done.

7 Answers

+11 votes

200,000+ G2G Points
Congratulations on your well deserved award S!
Besides helping others you have helped the big tree
grow with over 75,000 contributions.
Thank you for the recognition Dieter!


by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (4.6m points)
Thank you Roy.
+11 votes
Congrats S.
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (641k points)
Thank you, Luther.
+10 votes

S Willson, congratulations on earning 200,000+ G2G points!!  Your contributions to WikiTree are truly appreciated.  Please keep up your wonderful involvement.

by Robert Clark G2G Astronaut (1.0m points)
Thanks very much Robert.
+10 votes
Congratulations S!

You are the 181st person to exceed 200K G2G points.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
Thanks very much, Tommy.

It is quite a testament to WT that there have been so many (relatively speaking) to have reached 200K. Very interesting.
+10 votes
Thank you so much for the recognition, Dieter!
by S Willson G2G6 Pilot (238k points)
+9 votes
An amazing accomplishment. Thanks for all you do and keep up the excellent work.
by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (926k points)
+6 votes
Congratulations in reaching 200,000!!
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (425k points)

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