Help needed I got overwhelmed and to scattered and kind of quit working

+4 votes
I kind of OD'd on Wikitree and hit a dead end trying to jump the pond with my earliest direct male ancestor, and then kind of quit and don't know where to go next. I could use a real actual phone convo if any one is up for it. Thinking about I think my focus would be the below. Self study is cool but can be lonely after a while.  Email and message boards cool but occ nothing like a real live convo.

1) Learning to cite sources.

2) Selecting routine work tasks such as adding family.

3) Learning to work in little chunks to avoid OD'ing, going down the rabbit hole,  etc on one massive project all alone.
in Genealogy Help by Francis Hayden G2G3 (3.6k points)
Do you have discord?  If not, consider it, as there is an option for a voice chat which might be the next best thing to a phone call.
Thanks. Are you saying no one ever speaks on the phone? I have heard of discord can you send a link? Thanks!
I found it, installing, thx. Let's see seems like would do the trick!


It seems more people send text messages on the phone than seem to use it for talking.  cheeky

There are usually quite a few people on discord at any hour of the day, so you'd likely get someone willing to voice chat.
Don't forget to add your WikiTree ID# (Hayden-6078) to whatever you decide to use as your discord name.  Maybe I'll see you there. smiley

Thanks! I went to the Wikitree verfication channel, and posted the message to WikiTree Team as directed and included my WikiTree ID. I am I guess now waiting for verfication. Anything else to do? I guess I will flesh out my profile.
Hi! Find me at Discord now, Francis Hayden (Hayden-6078) I am waiting to be verified maybe, i requested. thanks!

I would like to try voice chat.
Have you contacted your greeter?
I have a while back then forgot who it is.
His message is still on your profile.

3 Answers

+5 votes

We've all been there Francis. I sometimes choose to participate in one of the WikiTree challenges to take my mind off of how frustrating my own family research can be.

One thing that may benefit you is to use a research log. This helps you not only keep track of what you've been doing, so you don't keep looking at the same things over and over, but also helps you map out your next move and stay organized. Here is one I use and you can ignore the DNA column if you're not using it. There are many more available online.

by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (985k points)
Thanks! I sent a trust request so I can see your image.
+4 votes
Hi Francis,

You may want to consider taking the Profile Improvement project's Voyage or the England project's Orphan trail. Both are self-directed courses that will teach you a lot of useful skills. The project list can be found under the Find drop down menu.

You could also contact a mentor. The mentor page can be found under the Help drop down menu.

Hope that helps!
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (959k points)
Yes great idea!!!
+3 votes
For citing sources, Rob Parvey's Sourcer generates citations, including inline citations with or without narratives and census tables or lists for supported sites.

 It also includes searches of those sites from a Wikitree profile.

 Ian Becall's Wikitree Bee also has tools for sources.

Both on Chromestore* or check the freespace pages for other browsers.

* for Chrome, Avast, Vivaldi or other Chromium platform browsers.
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
Thanks much!!!

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