Joseph Demars (abt.1857 Canada-1912 Wisconsin)

+2 votes
Hello everyone,

Can we find his marriage to Denise Branshaw (around Eau Claire, Wisconsin - 1883) or any source that would give a connection to siblings or parents?

According to city directories and censuses, there are 2 Joseph DeMars in Eau Claire at that time.

Thank you
Christian Roy
WikiTree profile: Joseph DeMars
in Genealogy Help by Christian Roy G2G6 Mach 1 (11.1k points)
Thank you very much.

The 3rd clipping is really perfect : connecting Joseph from 602 Water street to his brother Edward.
You're welcome.  It was a lucky find.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

See if this helps in that they seem to identify some relatives.

Here is a clipping that references the death of his brother-in-law and says that he lives on Water Street:

Here is a clipping where he is visiting with Eddie and Freddie Demars:

And here's a clip that identifies Edward as his brother:

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
selected by Christian Roy

And here's a link to the death record of Edward in Duluth that identifies his parents as  John and Elmira Demars:

And a 1881 Census of Canada with those children and their parents:

Thank you very much.

The 3rd clipping is really perfect : connecting Joseph from 602 Water street to his brother Edward.

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