A mobile App to climb your WikiTree

+18 votes

Here is a simple website to explore your WikiTree profiles (for example Benjamin Franklin or Winston Churchill).

Now available as a Progressive Web App. PWA's are installed from your browser (rather than an App Store). Once installed, the PWA will behave like other applications that are installed on the Mobile or Desktop.

I have only tested with a Chrome browser on Android and Ubuntu - but it should work OK on macOS, iPhone or Windows. Please let me know.

Basically, you can follow this link to the website and then click something like "Add to homes screen" on your Browser menu

Here is a good general guide to PWA installation, and more specific guides for Chrome and Firefox (extension required)

This is new - there be bugs. Let me know if you see anything weird.

Hope you like it!

in The Tree House by John Brown G2G4 (5.0k points)
The first load of each profile may be little slow. But returning to a profile should be very snappy once the profile has been stored in the cache.

Once a profile is in cache it should also continue to work just fine when you are offline.

1 Answer

+6 votes
iPhone 13, iOS 16.4.1

I am only getting info from the bio and a picture.  No links to any family members.  

Slow loading or no loading.

Also, if I load a profile that has a redirect, it does not load the profile.  It gives the redirect profile link and I have to click through.  In one case, I had to work through two redirects to get the the final profile.

Keep at it, this would be fun to use.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (550k points)
Works pretty good on Mac OS 12.6.5 using Chrome.
If I rotate iPhone to Landscape, then the family links fill in.
Yeah, works fairly well in Landscape mode.
Installed IPhone app through Chrome.
Rotating back to Portrait mode is now keeping the family links.
So not every profile keeps the family links when rotating from landscape to portrait but it returns when rotating back.  I am assuming it may have something to do with the amount of info it is trying to show in portrait mode?
Or...it seems to be a problem only with my profile and my parents profiles, and my grand parents profiles, beyond that the info shows in both portrait and landscape mode.
Thank you Michael - I am fascinated that it installs on iPhone & MacOS. :-)

It is indeed tricky to stuff as much info as possible onto a small mobile screen. And yes, rotating to landscape mode helps. You can also go into settings and choose to only show the data that is most important to you. I have also encountered the odd behaviour that you have described. A little more fine tuning might improve it a bit.

Your comments about redirected profiles are new and interesting to me. Can you send me an example WikiTree-ID please.

John, are you using resolveRedirect=1 in WikiTree API calls, e.g. this one?

Culp-365 - Culp-182 - Kolb-678
Thanks Michael for the examples, and Jim for the solution! I should be able to get this fixed without too much trouble (famous last words)
A little more traumatic than hoped - but fixed now I think.
Hi Michael - It turns out that the problem you initially identified with your parents and grand-parents was a (frustratingly obscure) bug - and not just fine tuning. Should work much better now (you may have to clear your browser cache)

Thank you - and please let me know if you see any other weirdness.
Will do!  

Gotta squarsh dem bugs.

Thank you for the app.
Hey Hey…working much better now.  Well done.

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