Help on this Genealogical riddle

+6 votes
N.Y. Journal, March 5, 1772. Zebulon Seaman 2nd son [grandson] of Temperance S. and Robert Seaman, 2nd son of Hannah S. daughters of John William, late of Jericho [Long Island, NY] , allowed to take the name Williams, conformable to the will of John Williams who divised  them land in Oysterbay.
WikiTree profile: John Williams
in Genealogy Help by Diane Joseph G2G1 (1.6k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

I think there's a typo in the profile ID you linked to. The link is for a man born in 1900. surprise

Please edit your question to show the correct ID. smiley

I am removing the new_netherland tag from this question. I believe this is a Quaker family of English origin that lived on Long Island. The Dutch claimed that geography at one time, and it looks like there may have been one or two marriages to New Netherland descendants, but these people were not part of New Netherland Dutch culture.

For convenience, according to D's comment below the correct profile is John Williams-20527.

I corrected the profile ID in the main post.

1 Answer

+8 votes

There might be a clue here

New York: Abstracts of New York County Wills, 1662-1801. (Online database. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2011.) Originally published as: Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Years 1902-1906. New York: Printed for the Society, 1903-1907.

And from there we might be able to find some freely available will information from and given the county and date

Assume you are asking about From there you can backtrack to Temperance, but her father (which from what you posted would be John Williams) doesn't have a connected profile.

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
Sorry, the wikitree number for John Williams is 20527
There is a tree on ancestry, but I believe it is incorrect. The dates are off. Did Zebulon accept the surname Williams? It seems like his children continued to use the Seaman name. He is mentioned in Refugees of 1776 from Long Island using Seaman name.

What I found on American ancestors was an extract of his will where he was Zebulon Williams formerly known as Zebulon Seamon. I would suspect that John Williams had a will or land transaction that specified that Zebulon had to assume the use of the name Williams to receive the inheritance. So it makes sense to look for either of them, and the named temperance, Robert and Hannah in probate and land records.

I can look more tomorrow.

I did follow the wiki from Zebulon back to temperance, but she isn't connected to parents.

Profile sources need some work. Are and the same person?

What would be ideal is if we can attach a father and also merge Zebulon Seaman with AKA Zebulon Williams with an explanation of his new identity. From what I am seeing, his children did not adopt the Williams surname.
I suggest that we go through the 3 generations of people involved (noted in the newspaper clip) and cleanup the profiles, improve sources then propose merges. Perhaps we could use research notes on Zebulon's profile to keep a list of things to do/done. A space page is probably overkill.

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