Someone else gain ownership of profile that I added, how?

+4 votes
I added my aunt and uncle's profiles to my tree.  My aunt then joined wikitree and the profile she created herself was merged with the one that I added.   Now I can't gain access to my uncles profile (that I added), it states that my aunt has ownership of his profile.  They are brother and sister, not husband and wife.  My uncle doesn't have an account.  I have no problem getting permission from my aunt, but I want to know how this happened, because it will cause chaos if it continues to happen...not just for me, but for all wiki users, unless this is a one-off.
in WikiTree Help by Bev Warden G2G Crew (690 points)
retagged by Bev Warden
Bev, I don't know how it happened.  When your aunt joined, you should have automatically been removed as manager of her profile, but not of anyone else's.  Please edit your question and add:   bugs   in the tag space to get attention from Jamie, who should be addressing this ... and thank you for bringing the problem to light.
This is not a bug. The profiles show that the Aunt created the profiles.

3 Answers

+4 votes
Could you add links to your aunt and uncles profiles so we can see them?

Unless we can see them, we are unable to help you.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
However, they are both living, so the profiles will be unlisted and closed to all but the Trusted List.
+3 votes
The correct way is to add the profile of the living person which will always be hidden to others, and then add their e-mail address. That will send an invite to them, and keep you as the manager.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (361k points)
Michel, I don't believe that you remain a manager when someone accepts an invitation, but I think (not even sure of this) that you do remain on their trusted list.

Also, it's hard to talk about "the correct way" when someone just comes here and joins ... even if they came because a niece told them about it.  It's not reasonable to expect the public to know that WikiTree has a "correct way" to join.
You are right, you remain on the trusted list.

The correct way. So if I can't tell that the standard way of doing stuff is at WikiTree, please explain me how we can educate new(er) members about the WT ways.
0 votes
Hi Bev,

I can't see that you created a profile for an uncle. The current uncle attached was created by your cousin. Do you remember the WikiTree ID of the profile you created?
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (705k points)

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