Has anybody found where Hasketts in Perquimans County, NC may have been buried?

+2 votes
Looking specifically for any descendants of

Anthony Haskett, Sr. (1655 - 1739)

Joshua Haskett (1726 - 1775)

William Haskett (1768 - 1836)

What I understand, that since they were potentially Quakers that burial records/location may be a bit difficult to pinpoint.
WikiTree profile: Joshua Haskett
in Genealogy Help by Andrea Abbott G2G Rookie (220 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
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Hi Andrea,

I have been told by the "Quaker Draper" descendants whose ancestors were from Perquimans Co. NC, that they did not believe in marking their graves.  Ray Draper, a WikiTree member and I have been trying to find a connection between his Quaker Draper from Perquimans Co. and my North Farnham Parish Draper (Virginia).

He told me there are no Quaker Draper graves to be found in that county, evidently because they didn't mark them for whatever reason.  

Ironically, Ray Draper's kin and my Draper kin married into each other, but not until the 1850s in Indiana, USA.  A great great granddaughter from his Draper (with a different surname) married into my Draper.

I would bet you anything, the Draper in Perquimans Co and your  Haskett have some connections.  The Quakers married Quakers.wink 

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
selected by Susan Laursen

Thank you for your reply. I have discovered that reason why I haven't been able to pinpoint an area for where any of them are buried. My brother, Uncle and I are planning on making a trip out to Perquimans Co at the end of May and I was hoping I could at least figure out some cemetery/area to go.
0 votes
There are 23 grave listings on Find A Grave for the name Haskett in Perquimans, County NC.  The oldest grave is that of George W. Haskett  1842 - 1892



The complete list is here:


I hope this helps a little.
by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
Thank you. I will see if I can connect George Haskett to my tree.

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