I am afraid I am finding the wording of your question slightly confusing. I am not sure if you are suggesting that Roger Lewknor-25 and Mary West-5964 were parents of a Roger Benbow. If so, that is unlikely: last names alone make it improbable. Do you have a good source for a possible family connection between a Roger Benbow and Roger Lewknor?
Do you have any more information about the Roger Benbows you are referring to? Where did they live? Are there any good sources you know of?
There is a pedigree for Shropshire Benbows in the Harleian Society edition of the 1623 Visitation of Shropshire: https://archive.org/details/TheVisitationOfShropshireV.28/page/n91/mode/2up The Roger Benbow at the top left of this pedigree is the one with a profile at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Benbow-6.