US Black Heritage Project passes 200,000 profiles!

+32 votes

It's a big day in the US Black Heritage Project (informally called USBH). 

We just passed 200k profiles and are sitting pretty at 201,351! 

Our goal for 2023 is to reach 250k profiles which will be an addition of +88,397. We've added +39,748 so far so we've almost reached 50% of our goal. And 50% of our profiles are connected to the Global Tree.

We're making such amazing progress thanks to members all over WikiTree helping us out. The number one way everyone can do that is when you create profiles for people enumerated as Black or an equivalent word, add the {{African-American Sticker}}. This helps us count and care for the profiles, run reports, and help descendants find their ancestors more quickly. 

If you can also add one USBH maintenance category before orphaning USBH profiles you create, it will help our project take profiles through our improvement process. The most common ones are 

  • US Black Heritage Project Needs Sources (meaning needs more sources)
  • US Black Heritage Project Needs Profiles Created (meaning a source is on the profile that leads to more family needing profiles)
  • US Black Heritage Project Needs Biography (use this when a profile only has a stub biography)

I did a little number crunching yesterday and I saw that we can reach 1 million profiles in two years if we quadruple our current profile creation rate. That means we need four times as many people helping us out. 1 million profiles would mean far more families represented and connected. It would be an excellent foundation for the African-American community to work with.

Together, we can make WikiTree the number one place where the African-American community can experience the power of collaborative genealogy. 

in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
It's wonderful to see this happen. I was not a member of WikiTree from the outset, but watching the USBH grow African-American families in the global tree has felt like it's akin to early WikiTree. It's so exciting to me when I can make a connection, though it's certainly a challenge sometimes. I'm happy to be a tiny part of it.

4 Answers

+18 votes
One million profiles? We're on it!
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
I know, right? I feel like spending a week or two just creating profiles around the clock. We're making so many new connections thanks to more profiles!
I mean, if everybody resolved one person in the Needs Profiles Added category even every week, we'd be golden! Wouldn't it be AMAZING to have that category knocked down to under 5000 names?
Yes we can!  This is an exciting project to be a part of!!!
+13 votes
That's great, Emma!  250k this year is pretty much a done deal.  On to 1 million!
by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (424k points)
+12 votes
Awe-inspiring news, Emma, the accomplishments of this project are incredible .. onward and upward!
by Denise E G2G6 Pilot (115k points)
+12 votes
We created around 50,000 profiles between Jan and May! That really is amazing!
by Gina Jarvi G2G6 Pilot (172k points)
Actually, we've created +39,748 this year. We started above our ending 2022 goal of 150k at 161,603. We exceeded last year's goal by 11, 603!

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