Doing some editing again and I found an interesting case in the family a few generations back.
James and Thomas emigrate to Australia in 1852. Twelve years later, in 1864, their younger sister Amelia and her new husband arrive and start a family. James has an unhappy marriage and moves back to England at some time between 1861 and 1871.
Then his father dies in Apr 1875, and he writes to Amelia with the news, also saying that there's so little left in the estate that he won't be wasting the money on proving the will, and in any case his mother had always desired it should all be left to him (James).
The letter of 4 May probably took 6 weeks to arrive by ship, but Amelia smells a rat and immediately hops on the next ship to see what's going on for herself. The return trip takes another six weeks, putting her in Warwickshire at the beginning of August. But Amelia drops dead in August 1875, as reported in British newspapers and recorded by Victorian BDM.
Now I figure if someone is going to die of grief they're not going to travel halfway around the world first. What do you think?
Amelia Ann Hewitt