Disproven Existence Notice: Anne Marie Calvert

+28 votes
It has been several years since James Beall (Beall-1186) was identified as "Disproven Existence."  James Beall, who never existed, is associated with a cluster of other profiles claiming to be the ancestry for Maryland Immigrant Ninian Beall andfor whom no reliable evidence can be found.  

Among them is James' supposed wife "Anne Marie Calvert"

Beyond the fact that no reliable evidence has been found for her existence, the existence of such a person is unlikely.  First of all, middle names were rare in this time period and suggest that something has been invented.  Secondly, the Calvert family was prominent in Maryland, being the family of the Lords Baltimore and it would be tempting to graft the family of prominent Ninian Beall onto the Calverts.  The Bealls, however, were staunch Scottish Presbyterians, and the Calverts were English Catholics.  The two groups fought wars with each other on both sides of the Atlantic, making a marriage alliance quite unlikely.  

As with any of these Disproven Existence notices, this is a one-week notice that is a challenge to see if anyone can find any evidence that "Anne Marie Calvert" ever existed.  If you can find such evidence, we all will be grateful.  If nobody can, she will be adopted by the Disproven Existence Project and the connections to alleged parents and child removed, since a person who never existed cannot have parents, spouses or children.  It is important to WikiTree's integrity that profiles, especially for those born before 1700, have adequate documentation from reliable sources.  If evidence for her existence is found later, her status can easily be changed.
WikiTree profile: Anne Calvert
in Genealogy Help by Jack Day G2G6 Pilot (499k points)
edited by Jack Day
Jack, you're doing God's Work there. Thank you for saving the rest of us from the drudgery of having to discover these for ourselves.
Just checked, and you're my 23rd cousin.  Congratulations.  Always wanted to have a relative in Australia!
Thanks Jack!

2 Answers

+19 votes
Best answer
Hi Jack!  Really appreciate all the work you have done to disprove the existence of Anne Marie Calvert and James Beall.  I am a descendant of the Bealls, so I have run into these two "characters" in many other people's family trees over the years.  Hopefully, more people will find these disproven profiles (even if they're not on WikiTree), and make corrections to their trees.  Thanks again!
by Mark Lemen G2G6 Mach 5 (51.7k points)
selected by SJ Baty
+11 votes
As always, thank you, Jack! I just checked Scotland's People, the official repository of online records for Scotland. There were no Church of Scotland birth, marriage or death records for females with the surname Calvert in Scotland during the date range of 1600 - 1646
by Beth Golden G2G6 Mach 3 (34.1k points)
Thanks, Beth -- it would be great if you'd add that comment on Anne Marie Calvert's own page to get the attention of anyone who stops by it!
will do. thanks again!

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