I grew up in the house referred to at the bottom of page 798 in the linked genealogy… Constance Jewett was a dear friend and mentor of all things National Geographic… she told me her father was a founding member of the National Geographic Society. Her enclosed wrap-around porch was filled with geographic treasures. Her memory has stayed with me since…
“Children, born in Chelsea, Mass.:
8004 Evadne Hubbard, born Dec. 9, 1867; married in Cambridge, Mass., June 18, 1901, George Carter Chaney, who was born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 5, 1871, son of Rev. George Leonard and Caroline Isabel (Carter) Chaney. They reside in Salem, Mass., where he is a lawyer. Two children, Constance Jewett, born in Salem, Nov. 14, 1902, and Oliver Carter, born in Cambridge Dec. 29, 1904. Mr. Chaney is a descendant of Samuel Carter of Lancaster, Mass., and owns the old family homestead in Leominster, Mass., which was bought by Samuel Carter from the Indians, and deeded to Oliver Carter in 1729.”