WebChatGPT (Chrome extension) uses the DuckDuckGo search engine. This gives chat.openai.com access to some current information on the Web.
At https://discord.com/channels/1060110102188797992/1085331018766094507 it says “…. you can use DuckDuckGo bangs to get search results from thousands of other websites. For instance, type !pm to search on PubMed, !gsc for Google Scholar, and so on. Visit the DuckDuckGo website to see the complete list of available bangs – https://duckduckgo.com/bangs. To search on a specific website, simply enter the bang followed by your search query. “
At the above link it says “Now we have thousands of !bangs and you can even submit your own.” https://duckduckgo.com/newbang
Then would we have the power of ChatGPT with access to WikiTree?
Ok, thanks Peter. I've read the WebChatGPT description now.