May we please add WikiTree to DuckDuckGo’s “bangs”?

+6 votes

WebChatGPT (Chrome extension) uses the DuckDuckGo search engine. This gives access to some current information on the Web.

At it says “…. you can use DuckDuckGo bangs to get search results from thousands of other websites. For instance, type !pm to search on PubMed, !gsc for Google Scholar, and so on. Visit the DuckDuckGo website to see the complete list of available bangs – To search on a specific website, simply enter the bang followed by your search query. “

At the above link it says “Now we have thousands of !bangs and you can even submit your own.”

Then would we have the power of ChatGPT with access to WikiTree?

in WikiTree Tech by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
For anyone who may be confused by the use of the word "bang", it is geek-speak for the exclamation point character.
!wt is already in use.
Yes, Wiktionary already has !wt. But !wkt is available, so far.

Peter, at this stage I don't see any connection between DuckDuckGo bangs and ChatGPT. The answer to your question "Then would we have the power?" may be no.
The ChatGPT Chrome extension called WebChatGPT is the connection with DuckDuckGo bangs.

Ok, thanks Peter. I've read the WebChatGPT description now.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Hi Peter,

Thanks for drawing attention to this.

I'm not understanding how this would work. If DuckDuckGo sends users to we would need at least a first and last name.

The only internal full-text search engine we have is for our help pages. We use Google for other text searches. DuckDuckGo probably doesn't want to send their traffic to Google. :-)

If anybody knows how this should work and wants to set it up, maybe !tree?

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
I think for this to work WikiTree might need to add an extra search page which accepted a single request field containing one or more given names and a surname concatenated; split them; and redirected (using HTTP Post) to the standard WikiTree search page, filling in the First Name and Last Name fields. It might not be too hard for many European-style names, but could be more complicated when the surname and given names are in the other order. Harder still would be taking advantage of extra criteria like dates and locations.

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