Request for Variants of Surnames in One Name Studies for WikiTree Browser Extension

+20 votes

In the Auto Bio feature of the WikiTree Browser Extension, there is currently something that looks for surnames involved in One Name Studies to add ONS stickers, but I've received a request to add these for variants of those names, too, which, of course, makes a lot of sense, but I don't have a good list of surname variants (emphasis on good).

I need help from the people involved in One Name Studies. Please give me a list what you consider to be variants of the surname of your respective ONS. This will help ensure that the Auto Bio feature accurately recognizes and includes profiles with any relevant last name at birth.

Please add your list of surname variants to this file:  (I've tried to keep it as simple as possible.)

Thanks for any help with this.  

Edit: Thank you to all the people who are contributing to this.  At the end of the day, I'm just trying to help. The more people give me this information, the more profiles will have one name studies stickers.  Thanks again. 

in WikiTree Tech by Ian Beacall G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
edited by Ian Beacall

Ian: The link is coming up in view-only mode for me; not editable. I have the typical "View Only" button on the Google Sheet with an option to request edit capability of the owner.

BTW, in my most mature study, I have 32 confirmed variants among a total of 86 "deviants" (so named by the Guild of One-Name: spelling variants that either are not adequately associated with the etymology or locale/history of the surname in question, or that never found their way into common enough use to be classified as a variant). But even the Guild has a restriction on the number of variants you can add when you formally register a study.

I would think that, realistically, limiting the information to the primary surname plus up to a maximum of five variants--to represent only the most common variant spellings--should be more than adequate, not overwhelm things, and be less likely to then result in conflicts where more than one study thinks that a variant belongs to each...which is still going happen.

Hi Edison. Thanks for pointing that out.  I've changed the setting. It should be editable now.

I'm kind of trusting the people to use some common sense and not go overboard with the number of variants.  This is to help the people who are 'running' the one name studies, and I guess they'll know which surnames they want to apply the stickers to.
I've added my variants.  I haven't add the app yet but will shortly.  Thank you.
Thanks, Robert.  They'll be added to the Auto Bio in the next monthly update.

8 Answers

+8 votes
I have a few studies but my registered one of Rosling also has Roslin. There are other variants so I will update this answer when I have checked them out. I currently have not included Rusling that does come up when you search for Rosling.
by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (351k points)
When you have chance, please add these to the list in the Google Sheet in the link in my question.  Thanks.
+6 votes
Ian, the search function uses lists from familysearch, Jamie can probably point you to how she does it there
by Jonathan Crawford G2G6 Pilot (305k points)

The variant surnames used on WikiTree at present are from WeRelate, not FamilySearch. See

Jamie has said this will change.

I'm asking the people involved in one name studies for name variants because they presumably know what they're talking about. The name variants used by the site are hit and miss. For example, on  the 'Beacall genealogy' page, I get this:

About 414 BEACALLs. Related surnames: BICKEL (1079) BEAGLE (484) BICKLE (354) BICKELL (171) BUECHEL (160) BICHEL (105) BUCHEL (98) BUCKEL (103) BECKEL (95) BOECKEL (66) BUCALO (41) BECHEL (46) BUCKELL (42) BAECHLE (34) BEICHEL (31).

I'm pretty sure that none of those have any connection with Beacall. I could be wrong, but I've done a little research, and I've never seen the name morph into any of those. So, I can't rely on that list for this. It would get me into all sorts of trouble. 

Fair enough, adding mine
Then have them go to WeRelate and fix it there as well :)
+5 votes

I tried to add these to the list but got an error.

Elliott = Elliot, Eliot, Eliott
Wilhite = Willhite, Wilhoite, Wilhoit (One Name Study)
Kotzschmar = Kotzschmer, Kortzschmar, Kortzschmer, Kotschmar, Kretzschmer (This is a new surname being added) I'd like to create a One Name Study.
by April Dennis G2G6 Mach 1 (13.0k points)
Really? What kind of error?

I see the names in the file, so I don't think there's a problem.
I didn't catch it but it was when I was saving it. Glad they are on the list. :)
+6 votes
I've added the Dijkgraaf variants.

I've also frozen the row 1 headings, so they don't scroll out of site.
by Coen Jacob Dijkgraaf G2G6 Mach 7 (73.3k points)
+6 votes
I do have one distinct variant but the majority of my Tilliduff study date from pre-spelling standardisation and there are very many one-off spellings.
by Christine Searle G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
+5 votes
I've just added my variants. Deb
by Deb Gunther G2G6 Mach 2 (24.9k points)
+5 votes
Salt, Sault, Selte(Arch.)
by Alan Salt G2G6 Mach 2 (27.0k points)
+5 votes

I've just added the most relevant variants for my BONITZ Name study.

by Jochen Bonitz G2G6 Mach 1 (10.9k points)

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