Why is Wikitree becoming incompatible with my phone?

+6 votes
- UPDATE- I should have specified that 99.99% of my work on here has been done using my Android based Samsung Galaxy phones and I used the iPhone 12 as a reference bc it is my work phone and I couldn't access the apps when I tried twice. I haven't tried to copy and paste butte point was made clearly by everyone copying and pasting my statement using various ios based devices. Interested in the Chrome on ios but looked it up and they're "two different beasts" when looking at the details. But, to be clear, is everyone that re-posted my sentence fragment and let me know I can copy and paste if I get an iPhone saying that the apps and messaging work with the iPhone / iPad as well? If so it is something I should consider and would be useful to put somewhere in the wikitree pages for those of us who use mobile devices for online work. I hope this makes sense and clarifies what my tired brain apparently did not accurately articulate. Original post below and unedited:

I'm asking this question with sincerity and genuine concern; not meant with any rude nor aggressive tones. Over the last year many functions have stopped working for those of us who work from mobile devices. It began simply with no longer being able to copy and paste on G2G then I couldn't send private nor direct emails / messages to other members from a profile. Skipping over many other things, most recently, I can no longer use the apps since they moved...most upsetting is the inability to have the drop down menu functions like FamilySearch matches. I have tried with both the iPhone 12 and Samsung Galaxy on two different networks. I have commented, visited the "help pages" when directed- more frustrating because they direct me to something irrelevant to my problem (and those pages were "last updated 6 months before..." my issue).

   Is this a string of long, ever growing coincidences, intentional or am I just extremely unlucky? I have updated everything where directed but am posting in this format with hopes for genuine solutions or advice aside from "purchasing laptop / desktop x,y,z" that I cannot afford right now.

    Thanks in Advance for any assistance and I will answer and respond if necessary and I can navigate to the page (not all replies go to my email anymore despite clicking the box).

  Becky Elizabeth

in WikiTree Tech by Becky Simmons G2G6 Mach 3 (32.9k points)
edited by Becky Simmons

"It began simply with no longer being able to copy and paste on G2G." 

Just testing with my iPad (technically a mobile device). Will try another time from my iPhone. 

"It began simply with no longer being able to copy and paste on G2G."

And testing (successfully) from iPhone 11.  Chrome browser both devices. 

"It began simply with no longer being able to copy and paste on G2G"

Success with iPhone and Safari. 

Becky I realize I'm only testing the copy paste aspect of your question.  But you might want to take a look at this page about how paste has changed (generally) with iOS 16 and later:


I can paste into G2G boxes with my iPhone on Safari too. So Becky it should be possible to get that to work, as Jillaine says.

However, this doesn't mean there aren't long-standing difficulties with pasting into G2G on some phones. See


and in particular for example


Update on the "allow paste" issue. That link I provided suggested one could universally change the setting.  I found no such setting. It is apparently app specific and not all app settings include the option to change the "allow paste" setting.

That security mechanism on iOS doesn't prevent you pasting (unless you specifically configure it that way yourself for particular cases). It just gives an annoying popup you have to confirm before you can do so.

I use my Android Samsung Galaxy almost every time...just tried my work phone (ios- iPhone 12) for the apps to make sure it wasn't an Android issue. Haven't tried the copy and paste bc I don't use my work phone for personal stuff really...but good to know for later tech. Thank You!
Updated my post to hopefully explain my question better and thank you for your replies.
Also I don't use an app for WikiTree- I use my browser... could that elbe the entire issue? Should I download a specific WikiTree app and no longer work from the www.wikitree.com pages? Does the app connect to FamilySearch and Suggestions? Not speaking of what are labeled "WikiTree apps" on the web pages because those are what moved recently and have become inaccessible. Thanks for your continued assistance with my puzzle. Becks

Hi again Becky. Let's try to list the main issues you are having, sticking to your Samsung Galaxy Android phone because that is the main one you use.

  • Cannot paste into a G2G question, answer or comment
  • Cannot send private messages to WikiTree members
  • Cannot use Tree Apps from the second menu at the top right of profiles.

Have I got those right? Any more?

You ask "should I download a WikiTree app?" No. There is no downloadable WikiTree app in the Android store. There are browser extensions, but those are not standalone apps in the conventional sense of the word, and I think they would just confuse the situation until some of the more pressing problems are sorted out.

This thread is a complicated one. My suggestion is: choose one of the three problems in the bullet points above, and ask a new G2G question just restricted to that problem on your Galaxy. In the question, explain what you try to do and how it fails. Then hopefully we can get input from other Android users (I'm not one, sorry) about whether they have the same problem, or alternatively if they know how to avoid it.

If this method works, you could then ask further separate G2G questions about the other problems. Doing it this way will keep things clear and avoid different issues getting mixed together.

also, there are a few extensions in the store you can get that are very useful for WikiTree, they are free. they tell you what they do and you can turn them off and on when you need them  I like that feature so when you don't need them you don't use them.

2 Answers

+3 votes
I use 'Wordflow" which is an app with my Chromebook because I do not like that green box for one I can not use my spell checker in it and it is a easy to see app. I don't ever have an issue with using it very simple.
by Kenny Johnson G2G6 (6.0k points)
+3 votes
You can try cleaning your cash out, this helps a lot of problems with my phone and Android, and P.C. You do not have to buy any fancy cleaners for your phone just clean up the junk.
by Kenny Johnson G2G6 (6.0k points)

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