Why can't I link a mother and child when I am the only one on both individuals trusted list?

+6 votes
Laura Ann Powell (25743) is the daughter of Joseph Powell (25744) and Margaret Ann Taylor (99581) but it will not let me ling the mother to the child.  What am I doing wrong>
in WikiTree Help by Gwen Keith G2G Crew (340 points)

Hi Gwen. Welcome to G2G!

Was this before you recently signed the Honor Code? Now that you have done so, the problem may be solved. (Family Member accounts have limited abilities.)

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
I don't know Gwen.  They are all Open profiles, so I decided to give it a try, and it seemed to go with no problem.  I opened the Edit window of Laura's profile, went to the Edit Family section on the right side, and clicked the link for 'Add Mother'.  That opens a new window where you can choose to create a new profile or use an existing profile.  I just entered the ID Taylor-99581.  The software requires me to enter an explanation for the change, so I just entered the URL of this G2G thread and Saved.  Take a look and see if it all looks right to you.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (605k points)
selected by Lauren Millerd
Thanks Lauren.
+4 votes
I had something like that happen to me today. I was trying to link the newly-created profile of a father to the existing profile of a daughter.

It looked like the system just needed a few minutes to update before it would recognize and let me do it. Both profiles were Open. It let me link them after about 5 minutes.
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
+3 votes
I also had a similar issue yesterday where I couldn't merge two individuals for both of which I was the profile manager.   I gave it 10 minutes and it worked on that next try.
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
Roger, do you recall what the error message was while this was happening, or what other behaviour was visible if there was no error message?

    I believe that it said that I was not on the trusted list.

Thanks Roger. Very strange!
Roger and Jim

I just had the same thing happen to me and this is June 27, 2023.  Both of the profiles I manage and created?


Hi Julia. Just to check, are you sure you didn't mistype a WikiTree ID? You probably didn't, but it helps to rule out possible causes.

That aside, it does sound as if there may indeed be a rare but recurring issue. Since this is an old question, you may not get much attention here. I would suggest starting a new question, including the  bugs  tag. You could add a link to this question as supporting evidence.

See also this somewhat similar question.

Thank you Jim for your response.  I tried it three times , waiting about 5 minutes between each try.  I see others have had the same issue.  I waited until later in the day and I tried it again, same procedure and same information and it merged appropriately. Julia
Thanks Julia. It's helpful to know the problem is transient or intermittent, even if you have to wait quite a while!

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