Compare draft pop-up

+1 vote
When the compare drafts pop-up appears on my screen it is blank other than the header. Please can someone advise me?

Thanks, Jean
in WikiTree Help by Jean Blane G2G6 (9.6k points)

Hi Jean. This sounds inconvenient! A couple of questions:

  • Do you have any browser extensions installed?
  • Have you tried clearing browser cookies and web cache? (This may lose some information, but could be a cure.)
Thanks, Jim.

Ghostery is my only browser extension and I've been using it for quite a while, so I didn't think to see if it was blocking the pop up as the problem only started a couple of days ago. If it happens again, and isn't Ghostery, I'll follow your advice to clear my cookies and cache.
I have seen the blank draft where I have had an edit open for a while, but have entered nothing.
Melanie is right. If during editing you have not changed anything, or have changed something but then put it back as it was originally, then the compare draft pop-up box will be empty.

When you say 'pop-up', do you mean the big yellow banner that says this?

You have an uncommitted draft of changes to this profile from [Date and time]. Your draft has different data than what is displayed below. You can use your draft and continue where you left off, or discard the draft and start fresh. Help

The banner then goes on to say compare drafts. It's that pop up that is blank.

But looking at Melanie and Jim's comments, it would appear that I just click on save the current profile? That would make sense, though why the box appears in the first place seems weird!
It appears because a draft was saved - even if there was nothing changed.  It only seems to happen if I have had the edit open for some time while working in another tab.  I try to remember to click the " [return to profile without saving]" link (or the "[delete draft and return to profile without saving]" one, but if the tab has closed for another reason (system update with computer reboot is the usual suspect), then the draft save popup will be there when I reopen the profile.
Thanks Melanie, that makes sense!
Good thinking, Melanie.

But it sounds as if the yellow message says "Your draft has different data than what is displayed below" even if the data in the draft is unchanged, and identical to the current saved profile. That would be a minor bug.
Annoying, Jim!

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