2023 MAY Connectors Monthly Challenge

+13 votes

Hi Connectors! The MAY Connectors Challenge is up and running,

This is a monthly challenge and open to everyone. The goal is to connect parents, create profiles or propose merges, etc. to connect unconnected branches to the main tree. 

Scoring is of branches connected to the tree, not individual profiles. So whether a branch consists of two people or ninety-two people, it still counts as ONE connection. Unlike the Connect-a-Thon, only actual connections made are counted, not the number of profiles created to get to a connection.

The Connector’s Challenge Rules:

 1. Pick an existing profile (created before this month’s challenge began) that is not currently connected to the Global Family Tree. (Hint: If you are a member of the Connectors Project, you’ll see a yellow puzzle piece icon next to that person’s name at the top of their profile if they aren’t connected.)

2. Add a profile for any first degree relative for that profile (a parent, spouse, child, or sibling). Continue adding first degree relatives until you run into a profile that is already connected to the Global Family Tree that you can attach to. Remember to use good sources to support the creation or connection of every profile you make! Please be aware that it takes 24 hours for the tree to update and show the connection.

3. ANSWER this post. This lets us know that you’re participating in this month’s challenge. It’s easiest for us to track your trail if you post it here, but you can also use the Challenge Tracker. Just be sure you comment “Connected to Smith-000” when you make the connection to the already existing, already connected profile. Replace Smith-000 with the actual profile ID of the starting profile you were trying to connect. And there can be only ONE connection per branch!

4. Remember the tally is not of profiles created (like the Connect-a-Thon) but of actual connections made to the Global Family Tree. You might connect a whole branch of profiles and make 100 new profiles in the process of making a connection, but the connection only counts as 1.

5. If you enjoy challenges, keep in mind that adding good sources to any existing profiles you run into while connecting or fixing errors on those existing profiles might count towards the Sourcerers or Data Doctors Challenges.

6. Let us know if you’d like a Connector’s Badge for participating. That will also make you a part of our project and we’d love to have you! Stats are kept and updated on the Connectors Challenge page.

Current entries: Connectors Challenge Tracker

WikiTree profile: Space:Connectors_Challenge 

in The Tree House by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (344k points)
edited by N Gauthier
Note: I am not the official host but just trying to help out with the late posting.
As of 2023/05/12 I have had to withdraw my time and help from this thread as a volunteer.

24 Answers

+12 votes
I would like to participate in May 2023.
by N Gauthier G2G6 Pilot (344k points)
+11 votes
Sign me up, please.
by Kylie Fowler G2G6 Mach 3 (34.0k points)
Connected Little-18582 to Hayes-20930

Connected Parker-50215 to Jarvis-1095

Connected Harford-202 to Gerrish-210

Connected Marshall-15044 to Marshall-20954

You can see that your name is included on this month's participant list at ...

You can make the online entry, the tracker which will let you see your running total at ,,,


The Challenge Tracker is not always available when making a connection and the instructions say to post it here.

Yes you can post here :)  It is just easier to use the tracker when you have a lot of entries.

If case you are interested, below is one way I know about to always get to the tracker. Using your last example here of Hayes-20930 ...

Go to that profile, and at the top line on the right, click on "Hayes-20930".

It will then expand to show you a menu and you go down almost to the bottom, and click on "Suggestions".

That will take you to a page where on the second line, it says

"Hayes-20930 (37519181)".

Using that last # and YOUR userid of 19287857 (which you get the same way), you can build the following web address to get to the tracker for THAT profile ...


Cheers, I'll have a go at that.
I'm still not on the Tracker.  Second time trying the Connectors Challenge.  Been let down both times.

As I mentioned before, you can see that your name IS on the participants list for May 2023.

After that, each member is the only one that can enter their wikitree profile # and CLICK on the entry for which profile they have linked up to make a connection. No one else can do it for you. 

I know the tracker is working because I check it regularly  to see whether I have forgotten to enter something.

The results are not instantaneous, but it just takes some minutes for it to show up here for May 2023 ...

ConnectorsChallenge - 20230501 (wikitree.com)

If you want to see if we can figure out where the problem is, please share a profile # that you have connected and want to record in the tracker, and I will take you through the correct procedure.
Have connected Hutchison-3242 using the tracker (by doing an edit after I connected it via an ID)

Other (very competent) people have tried it by using my ID but it has not worked either.
OK I have located your tracker record at ...


and so far I can see one problem us that one of your entries does not satisfy the Connector’s Challenge Rules which is ...

Armitage-2232 created 2 May 2023

quote> The Connector’s Challenge Rules:

quote> 1. Pick an existing profile (created before this month’s challenge began)

quote> that is not currently connected to the Global Family Tree.

I will write to the tech guy to try and find out why your name is not showing up at ...

OK your name is now showing on the tracker.
FYI for all members, the technical department told me that it can take up to 6 hours for a member's name to show up between the  time it is put on the participant list to an entry showing up on the tracker.
+11 votes
I have a few different families that I will, hopefully, have connected soon.
by David Carlson G2G6 Pilot (455k points)
Merged Holmes-4666 (Unconnected) with Holmes-18626 (Connected).
Proposed merge of Kvala-1 (Unconnected) and Kvale-59 (Connected).
+11 votes
Always looking for connections.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (566k points)
+9 votes

I connected Violet (Senior) Hesketh with her father Fred.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

Next connection: Catherine (Dudley) Engle got her son George. He got his wife Sophia, whose father Henry is already connected to the Big Tree.

Dosie Andrews Murdock got connected to his father

I initiated a merge of connected James Gushue into unconnected James Gushue.

I connected unlinked Floyd Ray Ehmann with his 5x ggfather Johann Christoph Ehmann.

+10 votes
I wanted to participate but haven't heard anything. I added myself to participants. Hopefully someone will add me to spreadsheet. Thank you. Alice
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (390k points)

This is the ONLY official place that Wikitree members are supponsed to inform that they want to participate in this monthly Connectors Challenge.

You can do a search on this webpage for your name and see that there is no other message from you.

I have no idea who or where else you may have mentioned your desire to participate.

The monthly Connectors Challenge never corresponds with each participant to inform them that they are included.

I went to include name on this month's participant list and found your name is already there at ...

I don't know anything about the spreadsheet you mentioned and don't know what it has to do with this monthly Connectors Challenge. There is NO mention of it in the posting at the top of this webpage.
+11 votes
I am working on the Debra Coulter connection that is not connected to the tree. Gerald Everett Coulter [[Coulter-3062]] I am presently looking at.
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (390k points)
+11 votes
I connected:

John Franklin Shull III (Shull-283) to JF Shull Jr to JF Shull Sr to Peter Shull to the existing John Shull (Shull-334)
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (536k points)
+10 votes
Is it too late to participate in the May 2023 Connectors Challenge please?

L Chester-Master
by Leigh Chester-Master G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
No not too late ... you have been added to the list.
Connected Keillor-77 to her parents Keillor-141 and Mitchell-40209
+12 votes
I would like to participate again this month!
by P. Clinesmith G2G5 (5.8k points)
+12 votes
I am busy connecting, but I always forget to log the connection in the tracker.

Thanks N for doing this.
by S Stevenson G2G6 Pilot (282k points)
+11 votes
Connected Warren-20455 to the big tree via his father, Warren-23123.
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
+11 votes
I've got a couple profiles I'd like to connect so I'll try to do one this month. I'd like to have the little puzzle piece come up for me.
by Michelle Ketcham G2G6 Mach 2 (29.3k points)

Welcome, I have added you to this month's participant list and your entries will start to appear after today's next update at 4pm EST.

I have no authority to award badges, so for instructions on that, I suggest you refer to this webpage ...


+11 votes
Please count me in
by Bryan Simmonds G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)
+11 votes
Connected Stephens-3929 with Lockhart-4665.

Connected Linebaugh-139 to Lockhart-4665
by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (390k points)
+11 votes
Well why not - its part of what I do :-)
by Graeme Olney G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
+10 votes

I would like to participate this month!

Just connected Prestes-5 to her cousin, Prestes-1 :D

by Morgana Patrocinio Costa G2G6 Mach 2 (26.7k points)
+9 votes
I connected:

[[french4566|Grace French]] to mother [[pullen-2626|Lucretia Knapp (Pullen) French]].  I thought that might do it, but forgot about the 24-hour thing.  So I forged ahead.

I connected Grace, above, to father [[french-15796|Sumner French]] (created profile), and him to [[french-15801|Ira French]] (created profile), and him to parents with existing profiles [[french-9923|Isaac French]] and [[kezar-147|Mehitable (Kezar) French]].  

I hope that does it.  I have been frustrated by this challenge for a few years, so I hope I'm getting the hang of it.  

by Sandi Strong G2G6 Mach 3 (31.3k points)
+9 votes

I connected Notable Don Lemon.

by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
+8 votes
Add me to the list please!  Better late than never, LOL
by Laura Nixon G2G6 Mach 3 (35.3k points)

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