Hello Florian,
First off, the category Lorraine, Emigrants to Hungary you created has no profiles in it. We do not create categories with no profiles anymore, it's a ''create as needed'' not blanket creation. Also, that category has no time limit included in it. The category structure for migrants to New France was established to show the various provinces of origin of migrants to what was then New France. All the old provinces of France got themselves cut up and renamed with 1789 revolution in France and subsequent admin changes there. By that time, New France was under English rule, so no longer was there a New France.
For Austria-Hungary (Wikipedia), the time range is limited. There would be a before and after.
There are categories in existence for Hungary (needs CIB tweaked to add date range), Kingdom of Hungary (needs CIB with date range) and Austria-Hungary Political History which last is a misnomer to my mind.
Take a look at Montréal, Canada, Nouvelle-France as an example of how ''generational location names'' work, the CIB shows a timeline with ''previous / next''. Click on the next to go to subsequent one and on and on. This is the method we used here to show all the various changes in location names. Admin entities of a higher level than city that are not current are grouped under Places in Canada, Historic
So to get back to migration categories, not sure where and when your man moved, but with those date ranges they are definitely on the historic side of things.