We have a new pilot: 100,000+ G2G points - Congratulations to Kathy Nava, and thank you from all of us!

+30 votes

Time to pin some new wings, we have a new pilot - Kathy Nava! Congratulations, 100,000+ G2G points, WOW!! 

Members like Kathy make us look good on a daily basis; keeping WikiTree a friendly and respectable genealogy site for all.

Thank you, Kathy, for your more than 24,700 contributions to WikiTree! Additional to her contributions she is a member of nine projects, Team Leader, Name Study Coordinator, Place Study Coordinator, Trail Guide, Greeter, Data Doctor, Sourcerer, Connector, Community Star, Family Star, Generous Genealogist and Pre-1700 certified.

Furthermore, Kathy has very often and very successfully participated in Thons and other challenges; additionally she served as Team Captain during the WikiTree Challenges 2022 and 2023. And above that she is a Events Committee Member.

On behalf of us all, the G2G Integrators extends a huge thank-you and a big pat on the back to Kathy Nava!

Thank you so much for all you do, we really appreciate it!

WikiTree profile: Kathy Nava
in Appreciation by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)

Congratulations Kathy with your well deserved wings, wow 100,000 G2G what a great achievement 

Thank you for all the work from wikitree 

Thank you sweet Dieter for sharing this
Congratulations, Kathy, on this wonderful achievement!! Thanks for all your work and the encouragement you give to other WikiTreers!

Thank you, Dieter, for recognizing Kathy in this way.

Congratulations Kathy with your well deserved wings, wow 345 pilot on G2G  

Thank you for all the work on WikiTree  You are a Star!! 

16 Answers

+17 votes

Congratulations Kathy!

You are now the 345th pilot on G2G.

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
+15 votes
Congrats Kathy!
by Luther Brown G2G6 Pilot (639k points)
+16 votes
Congratulations Kathy!
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (533k points)
+16 votes
Congratulations, Kathy; way to go!!
by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
+15 votes
Wow, amazing job, Kathy. Congratulations.
by Mark Williams G2G6 Pilot (920k points)
+14 votes
Congratulations Kathy on your shiny new Pilot's wings! Thanks for your many contributions and participation in so many projects - especially being a Greeter! We appreciate all you do.

Thank you, Dieter, for announcing Kathy's achievement!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+15 votes
Thank you Kathy for helping all of us Newbies to genealogy.

It's a big deal!
by Living Foster G2G6 Mach 3 (31.5k points)
+11 votes
Thank you everyone. I thought I was close but not that close to 100,000.
by Kathy Nava G2G6 Pilot (416k points)
+13 votes
Congratulations, Kathy!! Thank you for all you do!
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (529k points)
+12 votes
Congratulations Kathy!  And let me add to your list of accomplishments that of completing the Profile Improvement Project Voyage and becoming a member of the PIP.
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+13 votes

Additional to her contributions she is a member of  the Appalachia Project.

Congrats to my Hangout buddy on this major achievement!  yes

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (365k points)
+12 votes
Congratulations on reaching 100,000 points and becoming a Pilot!!
by Tammie Cochran G2G6 Pilot (425k points)
+13 votes
Congratulations, Kathy! Trailblazer and pilot within a week! :)
by Francesca Murphy G2G6 Mach 6 (64.2k points)
+11 votes
Congratulations Kathy - that is AMAZING! I can't believe all the things you're involved in, and how you help out in so many areas!  Way to go Kathy!  Always great when we get to collaborate - and I know so many others feel the same way! Kudos - and fly safe Madame Pilot!
by Greg Clarke G2G6 Pilot (136k points)
+9 votes
Good job, Kathy!
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (242k points)
+8 votes
Way to go Kathy! She is a fabulous team player and a hang-out champion at thons. Thanks for all your hard work!
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (195k points)

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