Which Star Wars star are you most closely connected to?

+22 votes

Our recent pop-up challenge featuring Star Wars voice actor Christopher Sean ("Kazudo Xiono" from Star Wars: Resistance and "Asu" from Star Wars: Visions) and the recent addition of a star for Carrie Fisher ('Princess Leia Organa") on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has us looking at Star Wars connections in the Connection Finder this week.

Here are other Star Wars characters to check your connection to:

Which one is most closely connected to you? If you're one of the 29.4 million of us who are connected to each other on our big tree, you can check with the Connection Finder.

In addition to the above and our many Featured Connections, you can check your connections to any category on WikiTree, such as Star Wars Actors and Hollywood Walk of Fame. Click the green MyConnections button in the upper right hand corner of the category page.

Let us know how you're related below. If you want to share your connection on social media with cousins and friends, click the "get shareable image" below the results, e.g. Pope St. John Paul II and Christopher Sean. Then just upload it along with the URL of your direct connection. (Please refrain from sharing your connection on the featured profiles themselves, though. It clutters conversations on research and collaboration. Thanks!)

Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's Royalty feature.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (830k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
Christopher Sean 9th cousin twice removed Moore ancestors.

34 Answers

+16 votes
I am most closely connected to Carrie Fisher at 25 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (297k points)
I am 25 degrees from Carrie Fisher as well.
+13 votes
Mark Hamill  -18th cousin

Carrie Fisher -15th cousin
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (456k points)
+13 votes
Mark Hamill is 19 Degrees from Steven Harris

Carrie Fisher is 20 Degrees from Steven Harris
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (813k points)
+12 votes

Scott is 18 degrees from Carrie Fisher26 degrees from Jeremy Bulloch22 degrees from Harrison Ford20 degrees from Alec Guinness20 degrees from Mark Hamill25 degrees from James Earl Jones21 degrees from Peter Mayhew20 degrees from Frank Oz28 degrees from David Prowse20 degrees from Christopher Sean20 degrees from Billy Dee Williams and 25 degrees from Alison Breton on our single family tree.

18 degrees - Carrie Fisher (8c1r)

20 degrees - Mark Hamill (13c), Alec Guinness (nr), Frank Oz (nr), Billy Dee Williams (nr)

21 degrees - Peter Mayhew (nr)

22 degrees - Harrison Ford (nr)

by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+12 votes

Ancestors and Cousins:

19 degrees - Carrie Fisher (13c2r) - MRCA - David Drummond, 2nd Lord Drummond
19 degrees - Christopher Sean (20c1r) - Richard (FitzAlan) de Arundel
19 degrees - Mark Hamill (21c) - MRCA - Llywelyn ap lorwerth


21 degrees - Billy Dee Williams - 4 branches (6-5-2-9)
22 degrees - Alec Guiness - 3 branches (4-7-12)
23 degrees - Harrison Ford - 5 branches (1-8-3-3-9)
23 degrees - Frank Oz - 6 branches (2-3-8-3-4-4)
25 degrees - Jeremy Bulloch - 3 branches (4-5-17)
25 degrees - Peter Mayhew - 6 branches (1-1-7-7-2-8)
26 degrees - James Earl Jones - 5 branches (1-10-2-5-9)
26 degrees - Alison Breton - 2 branches (10-17)
29 degrees - David Prowse - 3 branches (7-8-15)

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (529k points)
+13 votes

Christopher Sean - 11th cousins once removed

Mark Hamil - 15th cousins

Carrie Fisher - 15th cousins once removed

James Earl Jones - 18 Degrees

by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (212k points)
11C2R from Christopher Sean and 11C1R from you, but in a completely different line. We are like the Bermuda Cousin Triangle
+11 votes
16 degrees from Mark Hamill (10th cousin, once removed; also married to my 7th cousin)


Carrie Fisher -- 9th cousin

Christopher Sean -- 22nd cousin, once removed
by Cheryl Cruise G2G6 Pilot (196k points)
+13 votes
18 degrees from both Carrie Fisher (11th cousin, once removed) and Mark Hamill (18th cousin, twice removed)

Another cousin:  Christopher Sean--21st cousin, once removed
by Sean Delius G2G6 Mach 4 (47.7k points)
+10 votes
My closest are Mark Hamill and Christopher Sean at 18 degrees (and very distant cousins).
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
+11 votes
by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (310k points)
+9 votes

I am most closely connected to Carrie Fisher at 18 degrees of separation.


No Relationship Found

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
+11 votes
16 degrees from Mark Hamill (18th cousins, 1x removed)
18 degrees from Carrie Fisher (14th cousins, 2x removed)
19 degrees from Peter Mayhew
20 degrees from Christopher Sean (14th cousins, 2x removed)
20 degrees from Billy Dee Williams
20 degrees from Alec Guinness
21 degrees from Harrison Ford
23 degrees from James Earl Jones
23 degrees from Frank Oz
25 degrees from Jeremy Bulloch
27 degrees from David Prowse
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
+10 votes
16 degrees from Carrie Fisher. 9th cousin. MRCA Ann (Spilsby) Hunter (abt 1659 - bef 1717).

17 degrees from Billy Dee Williams.

18 degrees from Mark Hamill. 16th cousin 2 times removed. MRCA  Mathew ap Ieuan (abt 1368 - aft 1419).

20 degrees from Alec Guinness. 12th cousin 3 times removed of his wife, Sylvia Merula (Salaman) Guinness. MRCA Elizabeth (Livingston) Livingstone (b. abt 1510).

20 degrees from Peter Mayhew.

21 degrees from Frank Oz.

21 degrees from Christopher Sean. 16th cousin 2 times removed MRCA Margaret (Goulston) Barker (b. abt 1499).

22 degrees from Harrison Ford.

24 degrees from James Earl Jones.

25 degrees from Jeremy Bulloch.

29 degrees from David Prowse.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (168k points)
edited by Frank Blankenship
+9 votes

23 degrees from Sir Alec Guinness.
24 degrees from Mark Hamil.
25 degrees from David Prowse.

by Roy Tonkin G2G Astronaut (4.6m points)
+10 votes
I Am 23 degrees from Carrie Fisher ( 22nd cousin five times removed.

24 degrees from Alec Guinness

25 degrees from Jeremy Bulloch

27 degrees from Mark Hamill (26th cousin three times removed.

27 degrees from Alison Breton

29 degrees from Christopher Sean (25th cousin four times removed.

31 degrees from Frank Oz

32 degrees from David Prowse

32 degrees from Harrison Ford

33 degrees from Peter Mayhew

34 degrees from James Earl Jones
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
+11 votes
Mark Hamill 9 degrees
by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (116k points)
+10 votes
I am most closely connected to and related to Carrie Fisher at 18 degrees and as my 11th cousin, 4x removed.
by Mack Morrison G2G6 Mach 8 (88.5k points)
+10 votes
May the Force be with Us: I am related to three Star Wars stars:

1) 20º Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill): 22nd cousins, MRCA Roesia (Pantulf) Trusell

2) 21º Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia): 20th cousins 3xr, MRCA Joane (Holand) Radcliffe

3) 21º Christopher Sean (Kazudo Xiono): 24th cousins 4xr, MRCA Joan (Goldington) Pantulf

Other non-related Star Wars stars by degree:

22º Peter Mayhew; 23º Harrison Ford and Frank Oz; 24º Alec Guinness and Jeremy Bullock; 27º James Earl Jones (I would be happy just to be related to his voice!); 30º David Prowse.

May the WikiTree Force and Fourth be with Us!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

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