Feedback to Changes to Saving Profiles

+4 votes
I didn't like the change on creating profiles at first. Now it appears with a biography header and reference for you to fill in before saving. If you save it without entering a biography, it is blank. Not like before, when it would have a brief statement of date of birth, parents and death.

But to embrace change, I decided to start writing a small biography for each family member, instead of just the person I was targeting. Some have more detail than others, depending on the information available.

I thought I would share, so maybe it will give others some ideals to write a short biography. Take a look at this family and see what you think.
WikiTree profile: Junius Wade
in The Tree House by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
This looks good, Jimmy! A hand-written narrative biography beats a short automated one.

One suggestion: break up that long paragraph into several paragraphs separated by blank lines, which will be easier to read. For example: birth and early life; first marriage and children; religious career; second marriage; death.
Thanks, I do when I have more information, but sometimes there is not much information, and it is more of an overview of their life instead of a detailed view.

Many different schools of thought here. My goal is to be more narrative, not just short statements. Some of these profiles obviously, I could write more detail than listed. It is a balancing act. It's more than before, but could be even better. Just a question of time.

1 Answer

+2 votes

When it used to include that 'brief statement', people complained that it was there.

Now you don't like it when it isn't there.

Ah well, can't please all of the people all of the time... ;)

by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)

It is there if you use the basic creation.  I believe switching to advanced is what removes it.  

I just wish it didn't say "is the son/daughter of".

You obviously didn't read or view the profiles. You totally mis-understood what I was saying.

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