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+5 votes
Hi, I am Denise Hale working on my Hale/Howland family tree in I ran into a brick wall with my 2nd great-grandfather George Barton Wheelock (Whillock) Born About 1810 Washington County, Tennesse USA to Jan 10, 1887 in Brown County, Illionois USA. I believe he may be the son of George Wheelock (Whillock) Feb 1777-About 1857 in Tennessee which I found on your site. It fits so far except the birth year of the George here estimated to be born in 1795. If there is more documentation that might help me confirm this match, or find the correct one, it would be much appreciated.
WikiTree profile: George Wheelock
in Genealogy Help by Debra Denise Hale G2G Rookie (280 points)
edited by Debra Denise Hale

1 Answer

+1 vote
Welcome aboard, Debra!

If you edit this post and add location tags, you may get the attention of members with experience in those areas.

If you want to build your family branches or contribute to ancestors profiles, consider upgrading to family member. It is free to upgrade.

Come back here to the forum if you have any further questions.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (957k points)
Yes, thank you Peggy. I tried to add the location tags when I first posted but it would not allow it. (Didn't have enough points.)  Now it does.  I also tried to upload a GEDCOM file from but I have over the limit of 5k in my family tree right now to upload.  I will just continue to find what I can on till my subscription runs out this month. Later I will create a smaller family tree that can be uploaded here. Appreciate your help!
Check out the gedcom pages:

There's info on splitting a gedcom file. If you decide to go this route, you will want to do the downloads before your subscription runs out.

By the way, tags work best as single tags. Use the underscore for tags with two or more words (ie United_States) otherwise no underscore needed.

If you have any further gedcom questions, be sure to use the gedcom tag.

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