15 Nations Global Tour: EGYPT (Stop #7)

+17 votes


For the next leg of our journey, we are heading to the ancient lands of Egypt. Egypt has been around since the dawn of civilization, but our visit will focus on modern Egypt dating back to the late-1800s. So no Cleopatra or King Tut. We will, however, be meeting some rather famous individuals (Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar el-Sadat), as well as an Olympic diver, a Nobel Prize winning scientists, a couple of legendary actors and the "Father of Modern Arab Music."

To learn more about Egypt and discover the fifteen notables we'll be meeting during our visit, head over to the 15 Nations: Egypt page by clicking the link here, or by stopping first at the 15 Nations Global Tour page and clicking the link in the table. Then be sure to return here to share whatever discoveries you make. Good luck!

WikiTree profile: Space:15_Nations_Egypt
in The Tree House by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (467k points)
edited by David Randall
Special request: Putting each of these tours together is the highlight of my month. However, on posting day there dozens of tiny tasks that need to be handled and sometimes I overlook some. If you notice a link that is broken, a profile that's locked, a photo that won't load, etc. please let me know. As project manager there are things I can see that you can't (like locked profiles and images). If someone doesn't let me know you can't see them, I will never know. Thanks!

Good news. We now have an {{Egypt Sticker}} available for use. [Thank you Steve Harris for this!] I have already added them to our fifteen notables, but they should also be added to any family members who were born in Egypt.

Note that this is a "born in" sticker and not a "lived in," "was from," or "had roots in" sticker. Please only use it on profiles for individuals who were actually born in Egypt.

Also note that the {{Notables Sticker}} and {{Egypt Sticker}} should be placed directly below the ==Biography== header, not above. The {{Notables}} project box - often confused with the {{Notables Sticker}} - does go above the ==Biography= header, but it is generally only used for profiles of living notables who are managed by the Notables Project and shouldn't be a concern for most members.

Ok, I think I fixed it. Let me know if you still can't see it.

5 Answers

+10 votes

Both Huda Sha'arawi & Hassan Fathy have connections by marriage to the royal family, & have now been connected to the tree. However, a lot more sources & bios can be written for their families if anyone wants to jump in on that.

by TL Koehnline G2G6 Pilot (114k points)
+8 votes
Our visit to Egypt is now at the start of its third and final week. G2G has been a little quiet this time around, but there has been a lively discussion happening over on our Discord chat room. Our members are working as hard as ever. So far, we've connected three of our notables to the Big Tree, and have created over 100 new family member profiles, which is right on pace with previous countries. We've also been able to trace the families of some of our other notables to Western Europe and the United States and, although we haven't made a global connection soon, we are optimistic about doing so before the week is up.  

Our Egypt wrap-up show on YouTube will be Monday, May 29th at 6pm Eastern (10pm UTC). I'll have a link up just prior to the show, but you can also find us by simply visiting the WikiTree channel on YouTube.
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (467k points)
+8 votes

Doria Shafik and her family are now connected to the main tree.  Interestingly, Doria interacted with several other of these project notables, including getting assistance from Huda Sha'arawi and Dr Taha Hussein, and getting placed under house arrest for her criticism of Gamal Nasser.  Her daughter, a chemistry professor was also married to a man who won an award created in honor of Ahmed Zewail.

by Paul Gierszewski G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
edited by Paul Gierszewski
+8 votes

Anwar El-Sadat is now connected.

by Paul Gierszewski G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
+6 votes

Ca t believe it's time to wrap=up Egypt already! Here's the link to tonight wrap-up presentation on YouTube, tonight (May 29) at 6pm Eastern. 

YouTube Wrap-up: Egypt

by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (467k points)

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