15 Nations Tour: Malaysia Wrap-up

+9 votes
Today our tour heads to Egypt following an amazing three weeks in Malaysia. It was quite a challenge figuring out how to begin our mission, but in the end, it was one of our most successful stops yet. We created about 150 new Malaysian profiles and were able to connect 6 of our 15 notables to the Global Family Tree.

We began our tour shortly after actress Michelle Yeoh won her Academy Award and we were happy to be able to include her as one of our notables. Her family's story in Malaysia is fascinating, with a grandfather who became a millionaire selling luxury cars in the 1920s and an uncle who served as President of Singapore. But it was another uncle who became a physician in Hawaii that brought us a connection to the Big Tree.

Similarly, we were able to connect fashion designer Jimmy Choo through a niece who married the son of a British cabinet member who descended from a very notable family.

Perhaps most importantly, we were able to connect six of Malaysia's nine royal families to the Global Tree. Anyone interested in working on the additional three royal lines should contact us about joining in.

Thanks to all our team members for another job well-done. See you all in Egypt.
WikiTree profile: Space:15_Nations_Malaysia
in The Tree House by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (474k points)

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