Searching for my long lost family

+6 votes
I have been researching my family tree for the last 10 years.  DNA has been a game-changer for me.  Thru Y-DNA we have been able to confirm our roots back across the Atlantic to Ireland.  Now we are attempting to connect the dots here in the United States.  I look forward to working with all researchers in addition to my family researchers.
WikiTree profile: Shannon Morris
in The Tree House by Shannon Morris G2G Crew (310 points)
Welcome! would like to know if you have any males in your family that have  done a DNA test. I am a Morrison and I manage  several male cousins and my father whose DNA  (I-M253) have extremely close Morris DNA matches. Actually, we have no direct Morrison DNA matches other than our known cousins, but  Morris pops up on every DNA website as very close. Would like to explore more to see if we have a connection.

Deb Morrison Hyde

3 Answers

+5 votes
Hi Shannon, if your Morrison branch includes Jim Morrison of the Doors, then I am a cousin, and am searching for my own evidence of ancestry in Ireland. It is possible that the Crawfords and Morrisons are from similar locations, so looking forward to more info!
by Jonathan Crawford G2G6 Pilot (306k points)
+4 votes
Welcome aboard, Shannon!

Check out the DNA help pages:

If you are ready to start adding your family branches and contributing to the global tree, consider upgrading to family member. It free to upgrade.

Come back here to the forum if you have any further questions.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (958k points)
+5 votes

Hi, Shannon

Thank you for being a Guest Member of WikiTree.  Check out the Membership info and consider upgrading.  WikiTree is always 100% free, and you might find many cousins in WikiTree to help you add profiles to the one-world tree.

Please take a look at your profile; I added some tips there.

 Welcome!  We look forward to working with you!

by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (220k points)

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