Thank you for adding this One Place Study! The village of my great-grands. I worked on transcribing village records years ago, creating a little under 7000 profiles spanning over several generations.
I took it a step further and researched anyone who emigrated from the village to the USA, Canada and other. Created a group on Facebook, which has over 100 members. There are about 50 of those members here on Wikitree now (and counting!)
From this study, I spanned out and created the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project. 95% of the villages are categorized. I have now joined the Poland Project. My point is that a One Place Study can give you knowledge you cannot find elsewhere. Use it to help/educate others. :)
Skye Sonczalla-Driggs
Cieplice One Place Study, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Leader, Poland Project Coordinator