#OnePlaceWednesday showcase: Cieplice, Jarosław

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Cieplice, Jarosław

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in The Tree House by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (365k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
Thank you for adding this One Place Study!  The village of my great-grands.  I worked on transcribing village records years ago, creating a little under 7000 profiles spanning over several generations.

I took it a step further and researched anyone who emigrated from the village to the USA, Canada and other.  Created a group on Facebook, which has over 100 members.  There are about 50 of those members here on Wikitree now (and counting!)

From this study, I spanned out and created the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Project.  95% of the villages are categorized.  I have now joined the Poland Project.  My point is that a One Place Study can give you knowledge you cannot find elsewhere.  Use it to help/educate others. :)

Skye Sonczalla-Driggs

Cieplice One Place Study, Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria Leader, Poland Project Coordinator
by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (131k points)

Skye -

Thank you for sharing your story and your journey!  When I posted the picture here, I could tell that there would be many descendants.  It is truly amazing that you created almost 7000 profiles and the Facebook page.  Thank you for bringing 50 members over to WikiTree.  Here is the WikiTree Facebook link for you to share with your group.

Oh! And, I had followed your creation of Kingdom of Galicia when you were starting it.   heart

What a phenomenal find! If only there could be a listing of choir members to really make the direct connections. The man in the center of the front row bears a striking resemblance to my father which makes me wonder all the more!

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