Looking for birth records of Schwarz family

+4 votes

I have pieced together of family of Schwarz siblings (surname spelled alternatively: Schwarz, Schwartz, Swartz, Swarts), their parents were Nicholas Schwarz and Magdalena (or Michelina) Mueller.  The brothers were shoemakers and the sisters married shoemakers. I have pieced them together using death records, marriage records, naturalization records, and immigration records.  I never have more than two of them together at the same time.  All siblings were born in Bavaria, Germany from 1813-1836.

I have found a DNA cluster that some descendents are related to another family of Schwarz shoemakers from a town called Reckendorf.  I believe this is the Reckendorf in Bamberg, however, this family has records from the Würzburg Catholic archives. I have exact birthdates for three of the children: Anna Marie Schwarz 18 May 1813, Johan Schwarz 7 Sep 1821, and Kunigunde Schwarz 25 May 1834. Wikitree is updated with the siblings information, but I have more records attached on Familysearch. 

I would really like to find a family table and their town of origin. I have tried to access the Catholic Archives but I cannot seem to be able to register.  Any guidance is appreciated. 

Also, I want to add years ago I found a Michelina Mueller from Hohentengen, Sigmaringen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany born  28 SEP 1797.  This is not the correct mother nor likely the correct city.  

WikiTree profile: Nicolaus Schwarz
in Genealogy Help by Callie Archibald G2G Rookie (270 points)
edited by Callie Archibald

Meyers Gazetteer shows four places named Reckendorf in Bavaria (and one near Danzig), only one of which has a Catholic Church. The others are subsidiary to other towns, which would have churches. Do you which Reckendorf was the home of these people?

Oops … I didn’t read your posting carefully enough … your village may be this one:

Volume 2
Page 558
Type D.
Extra Desc r/d Baunach
Lvl I Bay.
RB UFranken
BA Ebern
AG Baunach
BKdo Bamberg
StdA Reckendorf 1) [self]
kath. Pfk. 1
Population 890

Type D. - Reckendorf is a Dorf (Village).

Lvl I Bay. - Level I shows which Kingdom or State the place is located in. Reckendorf is located in Bayern.

RB UFranken - The Regierungsbezirk for Reckendorf is Unterfranken. The Regierungsbezirk is a government district that is in hierarchy between the State and Kreis level.

BA Ebern - The Bezirksamt for Reckendorf is Ebern. The Bezirksamt is the District Office.

AG Baunach - The Amtsgericht for Reckendorf is in Baunach. The Amtsgericht is where the Lower District Court is located.

BKdo Bamberg - The Bezirkskommando for Reckendorf is in Bamberg. The Bezirkskommando is the District Military Command. You can look in the BKdo to find military records.

StdA Reckendorf 1) [self] - The Standesamt for Reckendorf is in itself. The Standesamt is where the Civil Registration Office is located.

kath. Pfk. 1 - Reckendorf has 1 katholisch Pfarrkirche (Catholic parish church).

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
I am not sure if this is still of help:

Burggrub (which contains Reckendorf in Diözese Bamberg) does not contain a Schwarz in the catholic Geburtenliste until 1820. see https://data.matricula-online.eu/de/deutschland/bamberg/burggrub-heiligste-dreifaltigkeit/M1%252F6/?pg=6.

Can I help you with the access to this page?

Best regards Wolfgang
by Wolfgang Schwarz G2G1 (1.7k points)
selected by Callie Archibald
Hi Wolfgang, thank you for sending me this link and information.  I also looked in the baptism index for 1821-1862 in Burggrub and did not find anything that appeared to be a Schwarz. However, I am not quite adept at reading older German cursive (https://data.matricula-online.eu/de/deutschland/bamberg/burggrub-heiligste-dreifaltigkeit/M4%252F28/?pg=6).  I appreciate the help and will try to see if I can find their baptismal records in another town.
+4 votes
Dear Nicolaus,

I hope your problem is solved by now. If not, does this help? https://data.matricula-online.eu/de/deutschland/bamberg/burggrub-heiligste-dreifaltigkeit/ - for the catholic members of the family.

Best regards

by Wolfgang Schwarz G2G1 (1.7k points)

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