I need help with the wives of Thomas Beeching . Beeching-114

+2 votes
Can someone please assist?  I have been the Profile Manager for Thomas Beeching 1696-1763 for several years. On comparing his profile to the Family Search profile it appears as if one of the FS members has changed one of his wives names. My record of this spouse was for Sarah Denham, daughter of John Denham & Mary Nowers. This FS member changed it to Sarah Sedwicks b1702 in Grain Kent. Their siblings were the same as those in my record. There is NO MARRIAGE RECORD. Please contact me as this change has serious implications for this branch of my tree. Many thanks.
in Genealogy Help by Brian Herman G2G6 Mach 1 (14.8k points)

Hi Brian: Re: Thomas Beeching (1696 - 1763), shoot me the F/S link to his tree and I'll take a look at it. 

The Family Search code for Thomas Beeching is KL46-WDR.
M'kay. I see the changes and a marriage date recorded, but as noted no source. I'm not seeing a record as dated on the Ancestry site either. Have you considered pm'ing the person on F/S who made the changes and asking for a source citation?

2 Answers

+3 votes
Here's the trail I followed..Sedwicks is a definite possibility. I found no suggestion of Sarah Denham (where did you get the name from originally?)

On the profile you have Sarah Denham marrying Thomas Beeching at Pluckney on 1 Sept 1733. The FS index for the marriage on that day says that Thomas Beeching widower married 'Cartar' widow. No first name in transcript  and of course Cartar (Carter) was not her maiden name.

"England, Kent, Parish Registers, 1538-1911," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKJ6-SKY2 : 8 December 2017), Thomas Beeching and Cartar, 01 Sep 1733; citing Marriage, Pluckley, Kent, England, Kent Archives Office, Maidstone; FHL microfilm 1,473,764.

The 1734  baptism of Thomas  Beeching was as a son of Thomas and Sarah.

"England, Kent, Parish Registers, 1538-1911," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKJ6-33JX : 8 December 2017), Thomas Beeching in entry for Thomas, 23 Jun 1734; citing Christening, Pluckley, Kent, England, Kent Archives Office, Maidstone; FHL microfilm 1,473,764.

A Robert and Sarah Carter had children baptised in Pluckney (Henry in 1726, Robert in1730).A Robert Carter was buried in 1732 (all Pluckney, all indexed on Family Search) Sarah Carter could then have married Thomas Beeching in 1733.

After that I was stuck but an Ancestry tree has a marriage of a Sarah Sedwicks to a Robert Carter in Canterbury in 1725

It gives as a source a marriage licence with a reference KFHS T: Kent Family History Society but I don't know what the T stands for.  (If this does include info from the marriage license it could tie Robert to the parish of Pluckney but we don't know)

I found this marriage is also indexed on Ancestry's English marriage index ( which comes from a family search film).

Name Sarah Sedwicks

Gender Female

Marriage Date 21 Aug 1725

Marriage Place St George'S, Canterbury, Kent, England


Robert Carter

FHL Film Number 1736586

Reference ID item 3

(you could look for the film on Family Search. The entry could also include the husband's parish.I have to give up and go shopping!)
by Helen Ford G2G6 Pilot (509k points)
edited by Helen Ford
His first wife also seems problematic. You have her marrying in 1720 in Rye and dying in a different parish (Appledore) in 1736. The 2nd wife Mary's  marriage dates are within this period.(1726-1733). You have a source for Mary's burial in April 1733.
T might mean transcript.

''*I have to give up and go shopping*'' 
hahaha laugh  nice (me, opens new browser, starts window shopping...) 

Many thanks Helen. You have really dug up a lot of information.  It looks like Thomas's 3rd wife was Sarah Sedwicks ( widow Cartar ) I have some work ahead! 

Appreciate the time that you spent prior to shopping.smiley

+2 votes

Brian, I found the primary document at Find My Past. 

Marriage Record: Beeching, Thos & Cartar, Widow

First name(s) Thomas
Last name Beeching
Marriage year 1733
Marriage date 01 Sep 1733
Marital status Widower
Marriage place Pluckley, St Nicholas
Spouse's first name(s) Widdow
Spouse's last name Cartar
County Kent
Country England
Archive Kent History & Library Centre
Archive reference P289/1/A/2
Register type Baptisms, marriages & burials
Year range 1662-1804
Record set Kent Marriages And Banns
Category Birth, Marriage, Death & Parish Records
Subcategory Parish Marriages
Collections from England, Great Britain

by K C G2G6 Mach 1 (19.7k points)

This particular record is free to view, you just need to create an account. Best o' luck with this new information - tree tweaking can be jolting at times. Cheers.

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