Possible same person?

+1 vote

I made profile [[Lumbrozo-1|John Lumbrozo]], who's wife seemed to be pregnant when he died, Around May 25 1666. His wife quickly remarried Between May 25,1666 and a little before July 5,1666 when her son was christened. I made a profile for the son, who was not mentioned in his will, probably because he was not born yet. But the second husband passed away after Nov. 7,1666. He put the child in his will. And his name was John also. My question is I cannot find anything other than his Christenting record. I did find records of a John and Joseph Lumbrozo born 1666-1744.Could this be him? No record has named him John Browne. Do I need to correct the last name?

[[Browne-7356|John Browne]]

Charles County, Maryland Genealogy • FamilySearch

Old Albemarle Co., NC - Pasquotank Precinct: Births, Marriages, Deaths, Brands & Flesh Marks

WikiTree profile: John Browne
in The Tree House by Teresa Davis G2G6 Mach 6 (65.7k points)
retagged by Michael Cayley
I have corrected the spelling of Lumbrozo to correspond to the profile, and added a hotlink to the profile of the son John Browne - and some more tags which may help to attract the attention of someone able to help.
Thank you Micheal!

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
It is very difficult in that time period to determine if there was one John or two. If he were born later, you'd find him in census records, either living with his mother and stepfather or sometimes with his grandparents. I think sometimes stepfathers didn't want to claim children from previous marriages. Or maybe the grandparents needed help form their grandchildren, who knows? It was also very common for stepchildren to use their stepfather's LNAB and to revert back and forth between the names.

In this case, since you cannot find anything for the LNAB of Browne, I think it is very likely that he was John Lumbrozo, he was mentioned in the will of his stepfather, and you should change the name. You should include details in the biography explaining why you think the name is Lumbrozo and what steps you took to determine that. You can state where you searched and what you searched for.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (940k points)
selected by Teresa Davis

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