Comments on Clan Stewart

+2 votes

On 13 May 2023 Clint Stewart wrote on Clan Stewart:

As an Army veteran with service related disabilities, I am limited to copy and paste information. Don't know much about my ancestors and would like to join any group that might help myself or other Stewarts unlock the mysteries of our origins. Also interested in Y-DNA testing. Any ideas on the best way to go with that ? Thank you possible cousins :)

in Genealogy Help by Allan Stuart G2G6 Mach 2 (30.0k points)
Perhaps some Clan Stewart members or researchers will see your question here and offer some help. Scottish research can be tricky, especially with large clans, due to the number of commonly used names.

3 Answers

+3 votes

I am a Member of Clan Stewart Society in America (CSSA).

I believe that several o my relatives may be Stewarts... Maud (Beauchamp) de' Clifford, Mildred Reade that's all of the possible people that I know?  Wikitree lists me as being related to Queen Elizabeth II (13th cousins) and King Charlies III.  I'm of the Plantagenet bloodline with King Edward I (Longshanks) Plantagenet and William the Bastard being relatives... however, I don't know tons (or as much as I'd like) about genealogy
by Living Foster G2G6 Mach 3 (31.5k points)
Maud Beauchamp and Mildred Reade were not Stewarts.
+4 votes
If Clint is on Facebook, there are several Stewart genealogy communities he could join there. One of the most active is one of which I'm a participant, The Stewarts of Balquhidder Research Group.
by Jared Olar G2G6 (8.6k points)
+3 votes
Indeed with a name as popular as ours it is really hard to nail down. From personal experience it has taken me over 25 years to make a headway. I started on and with parent's, grandparent's and great grandparent's names I received a bunch of hints. Then I would double check with my grandmother and great uncle who were still alive at the time. Then I found a few years ago. They have source materials for free, whereas ancestry you have to pay for to get access to it. Then ultimately I stumbled onto Wikitree trying to verify and find more sources for family members. It is very time consuming to say the least but it is fun putting pieces of puzzles together. I too am a veteran and dealing with a genetic autoimmune disease which has made me disabled and drove me to delve deeper into genealogy. All the big name sites like ancestry, 23&me and so on have DNA testing. Even if you have a free ancestry account you will get DNA results back. That is what I have done. It does help you in finding others who have matching sequences as you do. It may give you more to work with. However linking it to Wikitree and will give you plenty of information. Some things on dnaportal are a paid service but it still offers a lot of information. Just start small and keep researching on as many sites as possible, that will help you build source material for Wikitree! Hope this helps...
by Pepe Aguilar Stewart G2G4 (4.2k points)

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