Merge rejected

+6 votes
Can someone from the Southern Pioneers Project review Drummond-1419 and Drummond-1439?  I suggested a merge and received an email recently.  The only comment from the person rejecting the merge was:  not the same person.

The problem I have is that both profiles have the same father (Drummond-1418) and mostly the same siblings.  I put some notes on the profile for Drummond-1419.

This family is part of my direct line and my only interest is that it's accurate.  I don't need to be added to the trusted list, just interested in making sure my direct line is correct.

Thanks so much!

Nanette (Campbell-44030)
WikiTree profile: Mary Wofford
in WikiTree Help by Nanette Rohrbaugh G2G6 Mach 4 (45.6k points)
retagged by Maggie N.
To paraphrase one of my favorites, "I hate to be old fashioned about it but, show me the evidence." It was hard to argue with Thomas Sowell because he used resources to back his conclusions. I would conclude that you are probably right, but you still need to source.

5 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer
Both profiles need sources that would prove or disprove if they are the same person.
by Patricia Stockley G2G6 Pilot (170k points)
selected by Susan Smith
Thanks for the response.  I will work on finding sources and then May it can be resolved.  I appreciate the comments, just saying “not the same person” isn’t helpful so I’ll see what I can figure out!
Thank you Susan Smith for the star.  As an arborist I enjoy this type of challenge.
+5 votes
I moved the two profiles from rejected to unmatched. Did you also notice there's a sister (no sources)  named Mabel Drummond Woffard? She could also be the same person.
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Yes, that is a possibility.  I had done some research on them but it wasn’t until recently that I realized that there were two profiles.  I have a copy of the will in my research notes.  I’ll pull it out and see if I can solve the mystery!
Thank you!  I think that’s appropriate!  In the next year or two I plan to visit Spartanburg.  I grew up living with my Drummond grandparents so I have a real affection for this family!
To be fair, I didn’t creat either of these profiles, it was when I saw that they were practically identical that I suggested the merge.  I still don’t quite understand why they can’t be merged.  There are very scant differences between the two.  But in the meantime I will do what I can to figure it out!
+4 votes
Did you examine her father's Will from 1838? It's strange that she's not listed as married in the sources for the father. However, there's a marriage of his daughter, Mabel, married to a Wofford.
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+5 votes
Since one of these profiles is owned by the Southern Pioneers Project. I would ask that they look at both profiles. Each profile has some minor differences that need to be sourced, but they are the same person based on shared information. The goal is not to have duplicate profiles, and I don't understand why we say keep the profiles separate until you have sourced it to merge. It doesn't make sense to work on two separate profiles to source them and then merge. The difference is what you would typically resolve in the merge. Then you can have one profile to source.
by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
I agree, it’s obvious to me that they are duplicates and they need to be merged.  I am getting some help from a couple of great wikitreers, but still it’s a clear duplicate to me…
+5 votes
These are clear duplicates.  I've reproposed the merge and, on behalf of the Southern Pioneers Project, approved one side of it.
by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (584k points)
Thank you so much!

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