Entering Y-DNA test results for my dad

+1 vote
A few years ago, I had my dad - Mounts-143 - sign up for a Wikitree account so I could get his autosomal DNA results up on Wikitree.

He just took a Y-DNA test last month. (Happy birthday to me! Thanks Dad!) I'd like to add his Y-DNA results now.

I know that, for privacy reasons, the choices are:

1) He has to do it himself. (Or, more likely, I need to sit at his computer and do it for him, because he is not interested.)

2) He makes me manager of his account, and then I can do it.

I can't remember if he already made me manager of his account back in 2018. How can I tell?

And if I am already the manager, how do I add his Y-DNA information? When I try to go through the steps to add DNA results, it only takes me to the page to add results for me.
in WikiTree Help by Jessica Hammond G2G6 Mach 3 (35.3k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
You look at his profile, and against Profile Manager it says he is the PM.  The yellow stripe just under where all the dates and locations are.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
selected by Jessica Hammond
Thank you! I see that now.

If he adds me as a profile manager, will I be able to do things like updating DNA results for him?
No, he still needs to add the DNA himself.  Then he can turn over the Profile Managership to you, and you can go from there.

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